A few clarifications needed for Wrest the Mind about Visionary self damage

I was asked a couple of rulings in today's game. Just wanted to clarify that I gave the correct replies.

1. Wrest the Mind on Matthew Hayes. Matthew Hayes deals damage, get redirected to himself. Visionary deals Matthew Hayes damage for the redirection and kills him. Matthew Hayes leaves play, Wrest the Mind leaves play. Does Visionary still deal herself damage from Wrest the Mind? I replied no.

2a. Hairtrigger Reflexes on Explosive Wagon entering play. I replied just 1 damage since the text on Explosive Wagon isn't active yet.

2b. Hairtrigger Reflexes with Explosive Wagon in play on Granite Oni entering play. I replied 2, since +1 from Explosive Wagon, but no -1 from Granite Oni since its text isn't active yet.

Discussion for questions 2a and 2b split to new topic https://greaterthangames.com/forum/topic/static-modifiers-on-targets-that-trigger-hairtrigger-reflexes-3779

I think your call on Wrest the Mind is correct, but as soon as a card enters play its text is considered active. So 1) No, 2a) 2, 2b) 1.

For 2a and 2b, I was following the Positive/Negative Energy Field ruling that says triggers reacting to cards being played (or entering play?) acts first before resolving the card being played. (http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/891542/argent-adept-music-and-discord-distortions)

Am I right to say that, with Negative Energy Field in play, when Haka plays Tamoko, he will take 1 damage? Because Negative Energy Field resolves before Tamoko.

So in 2a, HtR resolves before Explosive Wagon, hence 1 damage?

The difference is, a damage-altering effect is not resolving. If the played card has an effect that activates when it enters play then your ruling is correct, but always-on abilities are always active, from the moment they enter play. So Ta Moko blocks the 1 damage, and HtR hits the Explosive Wagon for 2.

It's not in front of me, but I'm pretty sure visionary deals herself damage before she redirects it with wrest the mind.

Visionary's self-damage is dependent upon redirection. Not whether or not the target is still in play at the end. The only thing dependent on if the target is still in play is if Wrest remains on the table.

So 1 is actually "yes".

Nope, other way around.

  1. Redirect damage

  2. Damage target of WtM

  3. Damage self


I agree that you don't take damage if the target dies due to 2. above, WtM leaves play before 3. happens.



to see the text if you don't have your cards handy!

I didnt have the card in front of me to make sure. I have terrible memory off the top of my head. What Matchstickman said is correct.

I'm not too sure about that. Damage to Visionary and the target is simultaneous. On the card it is a single sentence. Then, if the target is removed is WtM destroyed.

There are no true simultanious actions in SotM however. For example, Fanatics Exorcism power. You do not deal that 1 melee and 1 radiant at the same time, they happen one after the other in the order the card states. The same applies in this situation.

If WtM redirects an instance of damage, you deal 3 damage to the Wrested target first, then 3 to Visionary. Because there are no simultanious actions, if the Wrested target is destroyed by that 3 damage, WtM goes with it instantly saving Visionary from having to take that extra damage.

See also: End of Days and Bee Bot. End of Days is midway through a series of simultaneous actions when Bee Bot destroys it, so the rest of those simultaneous actions don't take place.

From reading the text on the card, once Visionary commits to redirecting the target's attack, she's taking the damage. By that then, she would be the first damaged.

I completely agree with Greywind. Even though nothing happens simultaniously it is still in the same sentence and thus both things would occur with or without Wrest the Mind. As Visionary is still in play, the card has already sent the signal to Visionary to perform these damages.

The reason End of Days and Bee Bots prevents any more destruction is End of Days is the card destroying everything, if it said Fanatic did so than Fanatic would be able to at least carry out the rest of the destruction.

No multiple actions are simultaneous or future committed, even if within the same sentence. So, the first part has her (optionally) redirecting damage. Stop reading and redirect damage. Continue reading to she deals the target 3 psychic damage. Stop reading and apply appropriate damage. If this damage then destroys (or otherwise causes the target to leave play) then Wrest the Mind reacts to this trigger (adding to the stack, as dealing damage has not yet returned back to the damage redirection and damage dealing effects yet) and destroys itself. Now that the damage is finished, continue reading the card. However, at this point the card has been destroyed and no further action from the card can take place.

It doesn't read "deal that target 3 damage and then deal yourself 3 damage." it is "deal that target and yourself 3 damage." So you can't stop and start reading at different points.

Similar situation.

Say Fanatic targets Baron Blade(who has Backlash Field out) with innate, which incaps her. Does she still do the second instance of her attack?

No, as she is incapped and there is no longer a card named "Fanatic" in play, so no one can carry out the attack.

There is no mechanical difference in saying "do X and Y" and "do X then do Y". It is the same thing. Can you cite an example to support your stance?

You still must do the actions in the order the card states, and remember there are never simultanious actions. You cant deal Visionary and the target damage at the same time, it always happens one after the other. It also specifically states that when the target is destroyed that WtM goes with it.

Yes, but if you inflict the damage on the target you must then inflict the damage on Visionary without jumping to the end of the card.

It also specifically states that when the target is destroyed that WtM goes with it.

After you check whether or not Visionary is going to take damage from her own action.

The phrase itsself already started, even if you don't yet get to the words. The card says, "The Visonary deals this card's target and herself 3 psychic damage." "Herself 3 psychic damage isn't a complete sentence", and it must be attached to the previous words, i.e. it reads, "The Visonary deals...herself 3 psychic damage." If this was true, the phrase and action already started, regardless of if the target is KOed.