This is my first weekend with the enhanced edition and all the expansions, so there are still environments and villains I haven't seen and one hero I haven't played with yet... I just finished a game (second against Apostate, first with Tomb of Anubis) that ended in a fun way that I wanted to share...
So it's Absolute Zero, Visionary, Tempest and Haka versus Apostate in the Tomb of Anubis. The heroes were well-suited to this fight, and the game had been going my way for pretty much the entirety of it... The last environment turn of the game I had out Cast Into the Underworld in play and drew Nomti. I wasn't looking forward to taking 5 damage, but after a quick look at the board I couldn't help but giggle when I realized that Haka had a hit point or two more than Apostate. ...and Apostate was in fairly sad shape. Absolute Zero's Sub-Zero Atmosphere takes the teeth out of Apostate pretty efficiently, so it was just Apostate in play on the villains side at this point. Nomti lumbers toward the Apostate grimly promising a painful death locked in a musty embrace and damaging him for 5 damage. Apostate hits Haka for two damage since Haka has Ta MOKO in play and the Fiendish Pugilist Apostate draws doesn't do anything due to the Sub-Zero Atmosphere other than waiting for the next turn and punching his own palm, trying to look threatening. I knew this could be the last turn so I went for it... Absolute Zero hit Apostate with Impale (played a turn earlier) followed by 4 damage from Frost-Bound Drain. Visionary hit the Pugilist, Apostate and Nomti with a Cerebral Hemorrhage (no reason to not spread the love around), and Tempest sent the Fiendish Pugilist Into the Stratosphere before ending the fight with a Gene-Bound Shackles-enhanced Grievous Hail Storm. Apostate didn't even get to flip, and he was defeated with Nomti's hands around his neck, teeth chattering from the bitter cold, and watching his last demon companion sail off into the distance.