Did a quick search and didn't get any results. Surprised no one else has asked this.
In one of the updates on Kickstarter they show some artwork labeled Ablative Coating. One of the characters is Omnitron X (unless I'm severely mistaken) but who is the other? He looks fascinating. Any ideas? Have I missed something obvious?
I'm guessing, he's a crew on La Paradoja Magnifica. That's one of the ways playtesters with no art can get to know an unannouced character. One of the crew members may have a Samurai-ish name as its card name.
Apparently, quite a number of 17th Century Samurai ended up in the Spanish Empire. It was a good place to go if you were fleeing persecution for being a Christian.
I, too, am I playtester, who was trying to throw people off the scent. But, you know, good job giving information about the villains in order to correct me.
but yeah, I can't give you any specifics. I could say that bit about thinking the guy on Ablative Coating is that other guy because it was speculation. Saying things I know for sure would be telling, which is against teh ruelz.
It has [REDACTED] in it, as well as [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. Oh, and I must not forget [REDACTED], but she usually gets killed fast, because of how annoying she is.
(Disclaimer: This is not a complete list, just the highlights)