Added Damage to Added Damage

1) Suppose there is a +1 damage effect in play.  Someone hits a hero for 2 points, increased to 3. That hero can re-direct the damage to another target.  Would the damage be 3 or 4? My guess is 3 because the same damage is being re-directed.

2) But if the hero's effect was instead, "when you take x damage, deal x damage to another target," would that then increase the damage to 4 because essentially a 3 point "attack" is being launched, which should increase to 4?

Sorry if this is confusing, but I've realized it comes up more often than I would have thought.

1) Previous rulings support your conclusion for #1.  Redirecting damage is not an opportunity to boost it again.  All you're doing is passing it along.

2) In the second case, you're not redirecting, you're producing a new instance of damage, so it would be boosted, I believe.

Correct and correct!

I accept the official ruling, but what if the redirected damage is from a hero to his/her nemesis? I'm redirecting 4 damage to my I do 5 damage instead?

Damage being redirected is still coming from the same source. So, say one of Gloomweaver's Zombies was attempting to hit Nightmist for two points of damage, but Nightmist has her Amulet out and redirects it to Gloomy. It's still the Zombie dealing the damage but the target has changed.

I think it's the same if the original target is a Nemesis - for example, Spite tries to hit Wraith but Legacy has Lead from the Front out and redirects it to himself. Spite was originally trying to hit Wraith so his Nemesis bonus applies - the fact that Legacy got in the way doesn't make Spite hit any less hard. I think.

Redirection only changes the target.  The source remains the same.  Now, if the original source and the new target are nemeses, then you would add a nemesis bonus.  If the old target and the new target are nemeses, it is irrelevant, as once the damage is redirected away from the old target, the old target no longer has any effect on the damage dealt.