Advanced Apostate

Hey guys,


So tonight I had my 2nd encounter with advanced Apostate...and maybe it's the card draw, maybe it's dumb luck, but both times the heroes got righteously obliterated.


unless your first acting hero happens to top deck something to get rid of that tome, awful awful things happen.  Do I just have the worst luck in the world or are other people having the same problems with advanced apostate...without the tome starting in play I don't think it would be a big deal...but with it...half the villain deck can be played before the end of turn's truly a horror show

So... start with a hero easily capable of killing it first.  Fanatic, Ra, Haka, Tempest, or Young Legacy for example.  Especially Young Legacy.

That's not required, though.  Remember that you don't HAVE to draw a card at the end of your turn.  Your first couple heroes can skip their draw until you get to the heroes that can kill it.  This stunts their development, sure, but it's usually better than the alternative.  Needless to say, killing the Tome is Priority One, at all costs.  Most teams should be able to field 3 damage between them round one, somehow.  The worst are the games where he finds his Orb of Delirium or the Runes of Malediction (or both) to complement the Tome.  Some of those might not be winnable.

Custom picking a team to win seems kind of defeating the point (much like stacking a deck), but i always thought you HAD to draw a card...being able to avoid that could be pretty clutch.  Thanks!

(Tangentially, Runes of Malediction/Ord of Delirum both came into play round 1 in both maybe that's just shitty luck on my part)

That wasn't a custom-picked team, though I imagine they would do quite well.  Those were merely some heroes that, if they are in the game, you might want to let go first, as they are fairly likely to be able to do what you need to do without stunting anybody's growth.

Just played over lunch...not drawing a card makes all the difference in the world.  User error on my part

My group didn't understand that drawing a card during your draw phase was optional for our first playtesting game against Apostate.  We double-checked the rules after that short, sharp game and never made that mistake again!  I feel your pain.