Hey everyone,
so I watched all the video reviews, read the rulebook, and put in an order for my very own copy of the enhanced edition of SotM (with Ambuscade and Unity along for the ride). I've never played it but it just seemed too cool and too fun to pass by. While I'm happily awaiting the new editions to ship, I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on making the first game as fun and exciting as possible for me and my friends. In other words, what advice do you have for making sure SotM makes a good first impression with a group of casual gamers? Specifically, is there a good villian/environment combo to start with? And what hero works well for a first play through (to get people acclimated to the game without overwhelming them and hopefully having some synergy and a good chance at victory)?
From what I've been able to figure about the game, I was thinking of the following:
Villain: Baron Blade
Environment: Megalopolis
Heroes: Ra, Legacy, Wraith, Visionary/Tempest
I figured Ra would be a great choice for my friend who isn't too familiar with card/synergy games (not overly complicated and he'd have a blast being the one burning everything up), Legacy and Wraith would be fun thematically for those in the group with some superhero roots, and Visionary or Tempest just seems like a great choices for keeping everyone alive and kicking - I would hate for someone to get annoyed with the game from the start because they got incapacitated early in the game and just watched the rest of us play. Of course, people will be more excited to play with the character they think is cool, but it wouldn't hurt if I had some idea of the hero choices and team arrangements that wouldn't work so well.
Anyways, what do you think?