Ambuscade's Ongoing Errata?

Apologies for the horrible lack of knowledge and long response times here but I am away from both a regular internet connection and my copy of Sentinels!


I played a game last night and actually read the cards as they were played, rather than assuming that I knew what they said. Ambuscade's only Ongoing card reads something along the lines of

"Increase Ambuscade's damage by 1.

When a Device is destroyed Ambuscade deals each Target 2 damage."


While the card seems straight forward enough I have to question if the word "Hero" is meant to be before "Target", it seems really counter productive for him to destroy his own devices.


Any one care to comment on their experiences/speculate wildly?

Each target means each target! His stuff is super unstable in that mode, and he will damage everything when it gets destroyed!

This is probably not a good thing for him, but it does happen. Make of it what you will.

Actually, for him, with that ongoing card out, it's very benificial for him to destroy his own devices.  This is basically what caused us to loose the game.  Ambuscade had his ongoing out, and something automatic caused one of his devices to be destroyed.  That in turn caused him to deal damage to all (except him, as he was immune at the time) causing more devices to be destroyed, which, in turn, caused him to deal even more damage to all, causing more devices to be destroyed, until all his devices were gone and all the heroes had a almost 20 damage taken in that turn.

We're talking about Charged Attacks, right? I assume that thematically the idea is that Ambuscade, for one reason or another, has literally "charged up" all his devices, thus them doing extra damage but also being really unstable and prone to exploding. It may be that he realized he was fighting a whole team of heroes, not just the one or two he thought he was stalking, and in desperation overclocked the power sources on his devices. I mean, without that extra punch he might not be able to take down everyone he has to worry about...and might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

That card lost the game for me once. He just kept blowing up all his guns and hitting us and hitting us and hitting us. It was not fun.

Man! I've always skipped over that little distinction. I'm gonna have to play Ambuscade again tonight and see how much deadlier he is now.

 The answer is not much.   He has only one copy of Charged Attacks, and any Ongoing destruction gets rid of it pretty much for good.   If you get unlucky enough that he draws it fast before you have a Grappling Hook/Ball Lightning/Blinding of Speed/etc in hand it can be a problem.   Usually its not an issue.

Thanks for the confirmation everyone, that is awesome to know, though it is going to lead to situations where he damages himself because of the Charged Attacks ongoing and then again because of his Reactive Shield device; hmmmm, I think that should be a new challenge

Facing Impossible Odds

Have the villain inflict the damage that KOs them

Yeah, someone asked a question about it, because they had Dawn KO herself with Channel the Eclipse.