ANOTHER Game with my friends tonight...

Well...we still lost. Chrono Ranger, Ra, Bunker, and Wraith vs The Dreamer in Time Cataclysm. At one point, we were taking A LOT of Damage, but the Atlantean Throne showed up, and the damage reduction helped A LOT. We ended with The Dreamer flipped and 5 projections under her, but in the end, we lost =(. Had a bit of trouble keeping track of stuff sometimes, which always seems to be the problem

But are they having fun? That's the main thing. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves. And if they aren't, maybe you should go for a few palate-cleanser games with easier villains, just to let everyone feel better about themselves. Ego-boost, as it were. Personally, I like bemoaning a loss, particularly if it was a close one. When you just get absolutely wrecked, I die a little inside.