Another Oversized Villain card typo

La Capitan's Advanced Version, on her "Split Across Time" side, says "The first time La Capitán would be dealt damage each round" on the small card and "The first time La Capitán would be dealt damage each turn" on her big card.

oh wow, her small card sounds a lot less insane :P I was worried about how you would ever beat her on advanced :P

Hopefully they do a reprint for these typos on the oversized cards like they did with Voss, Dawn, and Omnitron. Probably part of the next pack they make when Vengeance is being printed.

so, which is the correct one then?


Maybe the small card was misprinted?

Automatic built in hard-mode? I'm in.

I think Christopher chimed in when this was first brought up a few days ago to say the the small card is correct and the oversized is incorrect. 

That was on The Dreamer though, not on La Capitan. However, since the small card is correct both in the case of The Dreamer and with the old oversized cards of Omintron, Voss and Dawn, (and since La Capitan's oversized ability is insane), I'd be inclined to go with the small card.

Yeah, I'd like to get the official word on which is correct for La Capitan so I can include it in the Clarifications PDF.

Forgive this necro, but I was wondering other than La Captain Split Across Time Advanced's typo, what else is incorrect?

I purchased my oversized cards from Gen Con, but I didn't open them until now.  Nice to get Baron Blade, Mad Bomber and Omnitron, Cosmic-Powered Exterminator included in them.

In all cases the small cards are correct.  If you got the oversized pack, the only typos are on La Capitan and on The Dreamer (who does H-2 psychic damage when Roused from Slumber, not H-1).  The missing keywords on Voss, Omnitron, and Citizen Dawn were all fixed (at least on my cards).  Spiff has all this in his file at ; search for "oversized" in the Rules & Clarifications PDF.