I came to the sentinels party very recently, and I am crazy for the game. That being said, I missed the all of the kickstarters. So, is there any way to get the promo versions of the heros and villians (I have either purchased or ordered all of the existing expansions including the minis)
I know that there are scans of the cards that can be printed or whatever, but the insane completionist part of my brain wants the actual cards if possible.
Alternately, would someone be willing to sell me their promo cards? Shoot me an email: acseric@yahoo.com
Promo villains are easy, as they come as part of the oversized villains pack. As for the heroes, it is just a matter of finding people willing to sell them to you, or else waiting; it has been stated that once all Sentinels games has been released >G will probably put out a promo pack of all the promo heroes. However, they will have different art or something similar to differentiate them from the limited-edition ones, so you may prefer the proactive option.
You can get promo cards during 'Organized Play', which is generally done at conventions and refers to getting 'Sentinels Points' which can be turned in for promo cards, art prints, and some bigger ticket items.
If I remember correctly, at PAX Prime last year a pack of the Fanatic, Ra, Cosmic Omnitron, and Mad Bomber Blade promos (six cards total) was also being sold for $5. I'm not sure, however, if these promo cards from the Infernal Relics/Enhanced Edition Kickstarter are still available. I think they, like Young Leacy and Rook City Wraith may simply be completely gone.
The Shattered Timelines promos (Freedom Six and possibly Dark Visionary and Eternal Haka) may be available in a similar pack in the future, if not on the site, then perhaps at cons.
Also, >G will eventually (within a few months, usually) post front and back images for all their promos on BoardGameGeek so fans who missed out on the originals can make print-and-play versions. That way is perfectly functional, unless you're a neurotic completionist (like me). All pre-Shattered Timelines promo cards are already posted there.
I will have to find the post/link but someone from >G mentioned once that at some (far?) future point, promos will likely be available in a pack for purchase.
edit: here is the link to where it was said https://greaterthangames.com/comment/18663#comment-18663