Consider Hoarfire which deals 2 targets some damage, and then deal AZ some damage:
Can I choose the same target twice?
Can I choose AZ as a target on top of the “himself” damage?
Is the fact that the card instructions are written in three sentences make a difference compared to say, Wraith’s Throwing Knives, where it says “3 targets 1 damage each?” (implying uniqueness)
Absolute Zero deals 1 target 2 cold damage. Absolute Zero deals a second target 2 fire damage. Absolute Zero deals himself 1 cold damage and 1 fire damage.
When this card is played, Absolute Zero must deal damage to 2 different targets: one of them is dealt 2 cold, and the other 2 fire. Because the word “target” is not further restricted (e.g. Villain target, non-Hero target, etc), Absolute Zero is free to select himself as one of the two targets. Uniqueness is explicitly stated here when it says that AZ “deals a second target” the fire damage.
On Wraith’s Throwing Knives, the 3 targets must also be unique (because she must select 3 targets). A card allowing the selection of the same target twice would not specify a set number of targets, and would be worded something like this:
[quote=““Fake Card””]
Invincible Jones deals a target 2 lightning damage. Invincible jones deals a target 2 infernal damage.
I believe Invincible Jones to be a he due to both my informal grammer training and my Spanish language training which specify that unknown genders should be reguarded as masculine.
AFAIK, the base game does not contain any such card, right?
I don’t have it in front of me, but I think Voss might have that sorta thing on his reverse side. I think Baron Blade’s “Slash and Burn” may read like this, too.
This is true. I just doublechecked the wording on Slash and Burn to make sure I wasn’t making things up, and if there were only one hero left, Baron Blade would damage the same hero twice with it.
At this point, there are no cards worded that way in the game. It seems unlikely that there will be, as that is a rather vague wording, and we don’t tend to like vague wordings.