I have a few questions my group has been building up since we got SotM two weeks ago that we still aren't certain on. So here goes:
[list][*]Wraith's Micro Targeting Computer and Razor Ordnance are in play, while Ra has out Imbue Fire. Is there any order they can have entered play to allow Wraith to get the +2 projectile damage from MTC on her RO? Is order played even relavent to this question?
[*]Related to the above: Tempest's Elemental Subwave Inducer and Ra's Imbue Fire are in play. At the start of Tempest's turn he selects Cold. What damage type does he do that turn? Does play order of ESI and IF matter?
[*]Does Tempest's Elemental Subwave Inducer have no effect until Tempest has a Start phase in which to declare a damage type?
[*]At the start of the villian turn, Charmed Scoundrel Kismet's Talisman is in front of a hero, causing her to flip. Does she deal 2 irreducible psychic damage to the Talisman this turn? (I'm pretty sure she doesn't, but dissent lingers)
[*]Wraith has used her innate previously and is also immune to damage this turn. Does an attack against her use up her Reduce Damage by 2? If instead of Wraith being immune to damage, her attacker had been hit by Throat Jab previously, would its attack use up her damage reduction?
[*]Legacy has Fortitude and Superhuman Durability in play when he takes 5 damage. Does it get reduced to 1 or 4? Is it based on play order, or is SD being triggered and Fortitude being continous relavent?
[*]La Capitan has two cards under her when Fanatic plays End of Days. Are they destroyed? If so, Relics would still be left under La Capitan?
[*]Related, La Capitan has a hero's Ongoing card under her. Can Expatriette use her RPG Launcher to destroy it?[/list]
Thanks in advance. Amazingly, these are the extend of the questions we've had after two weeks of playing. The errata and rules have answered all our other questions very quickly.
No. you figure out what type of damage it is doing and then apply the damage type conditional bonuses. You's get +1 from Imbued fiure but nothing from MTC. Same as if you had the Irradiated Cyclohexane Vat from Pike turning all damage to toxic.
Now, this time the order matters. Whichever card was played last has priroity, so if the ESI was playerd after IF Tempest could change it. Otherwiese, his damage is fire, but he would still get the damage reduction based on what he chose.
No. But only because the card says "If she did not flip this turn". Otherwise, yes you would resolve the Start of Turn effects on the flipped side.
No and no because she would not take any damage in either case.
Officially it's based on play order. Many people consider that a problem.
They would be destroyed as they are still hero chards. Hadn't thought of that use for EoD
No, because while they are hero cards, they have no text, so aren't technically ongoing or equipment or one-shots.
Hmm, if cards beneath La Capitan have no text, they can't be relics (just as they aren't ongoings or equipment or anything else), therefore End of Days would still destroy them, presumably?
The question is whether End of Days destroys cards under other cards, i.e. are they still in play to be affectedc by EoD at all, I think. I'm not sure, eithert way.
End of Days destroys "all cards in play other than this card, character cards and relics." so the question becomes are those card "in play"?
As they are underneath another card I would come down on the side of no (unfortunately making me agree with Chris); if they are in play then any cards which count the number of hero/villain/environment cards in play would have to count the ones underneath other cards. Savage Mana and Omnicannon would be an instant draw for Isolated Hero and the like.
Whether they are in play or not, the cards are blank, retaining only the 'descriptors' of Hero, Villain or Environment card and the specific deck name (e.g. Fleet of Foot would be a Hero card from Tachyon's deck), they do not retain anything else about them so a card underneath another card would not be a relic.
EDIT: Actually Savage Mana is a bad example as it is not Haka's own cards beneath it, but Omnicannon holds up as a potential in play example.
5. Re: Order of applying immunity and reduction: I think this is open to debate. My intuition is to use card-played order here. Sadly, Wraith's innate power is almost certainly in play before whatever gives her immunity.
7. Cards that are under other cards are not in play, I think, though I don't recall there being an official ruling on this.
Wouldn't the ruling on the Savage Mana/Ammo Drop interaction indicate that they are in fact still in play? Though I admit it does seem somewhat against the spirit of the effect.
I am not sold that EoD would destroy the cards under her. Would it destroy cards under a flipped dreamer? I don't see the intent being there, but I can see the argument.
"Whenever a card says that you can do something that isn't provided for in the basic rules, the card is correct."
in the EE rulebook I always interpreted the ruling on Savage Mana to be
"even though you can't normal destroy a card not in play, because Savage Mana uses the term destroy on it they can be destroyed in this instance, as the card is correct (and counts as destroyed for the purpose of triggers)."
You're probably right there, but it's still strange that it wasn't simply errata'd away. For instance, Mad Bomber Blade specifically states that the cards under him aren't in play. Adding that line to Savage Mana, the Dreamer, and La Capitan would address these questions, though we'd lose the Ammo Drop double-dip.
I think it is rather intentional. Normally I think cards are not considered 'in play' when they are under another card. Savage Mana is a specific deviation of that, allowing you to "destroy" the cards under it and activate any effects that trigger upon card destruction. So you can still keep the Ammo Drop interaction. If Omni-Cannon had 3 cards under it and you had to destroy 3 hero cards (for whatever reason, pick one), you could not just remove the cards under the Cannon and call it good. Those cards become an extension of the card they are under in my interpretation and are then bound to that card until otherwise stated.
In other words, if you are not destroying the TOP card, you do not get rid of the cards under it (this is still in regards to the question of End of Days).
Thanks for all the answers. I think I've got all of it except for how EoD works with La Capitan's booty.
Just to confirm on the damage type issue, when damage is dealt, you determine the damage type first using the play order of cards to find the final damage type. Then you apply all damage modifiers given the final damage type, using play order of cards a second time to resolve any issues there.
Yeah, something like that, though I think quite a few people can't be arsed/don't bother with tracking hero card order (myself included). With something like Imbued Fire it doesn't usually matter - for example when changing the Wraith's damage type, if Imbued Fire is out, all her damage becomes fire. The Micro-Targeting Computer doesn't change her damage type, it merely buffs any projectile damage she deals. As she deals no projectile damage when Imbued Fire is out, the card becomes useless except as fuel for an Inventory Barrage or as something that can be thrown away when someone like Huginn or Miss Information breaks some of your stuff.
Something like Twist the Ether changes the damage at the time it's dealt - it doesn't matter if Imbued Fire is out (or Cramped Quarters Combat, or anything else which universally changes damage types), because Twist can convert any damage dealt by the target into any other damage type. So it doesn't matter if you're being affected by an Imbued Fire - if you have Twist on you, your fire damage becomes whatever kind of damage you (well, technically the Visionary) want it to be ;).
Unless you figuring out the order of resolution for reactive triggered effects, you should not have to worry about order of cards played. It is only really useful for determining what actions happen first should multiple trigger at once (like two end of turn effects for example). Outside of that you don't need to think about it. Make it more simple on yourself.