Battle for Broken City Status

Kind of piggy backing off of a previous comment, would we be seeing a revamp of the current tactics heroes? Like will there be any art changes or even character balancing? I am mostly curios if there will be any character balancing; since we did just do a tier list for the characters. It would be nice for some heroes become more viable and some to become less overpowered.

Currently there are no plans to change the current characters. We've found that a number of the new characters currently in development function as counters and buffs to the existing line-up though, so the new expansion will definitely have an impact on the original set!

So very true.

The more I'm digging in the more I want to say Broken City is to Flame of Freedom what Villains is to Vengeance.

The dynamics are looking really good.

If that holds true, I will very much look forward to its release. Villains made Vengeance a real option to play.

All this is Music to my ears :-)

Will Akash B'huta also be ready around the same time as Broken City? Would love to be able to combine her with the current order.


That is the current plan!


That is a really good way of phrasing our goal with Broken City!

I’ve been trying to get Sentinels Tactics to my table for a while now and unfortunately get lukewarm response from my gaming friends.

The issues that come up most often, which I hope are addressed in the expansions, are the visual noise of the tiles, the dots for height are counter intuitive (may be related somewhat to the first note), and skirmishes generally devolve into rushing into range and spamming attacks vice clever maneuvering, the excitement of using the cool powers, and well…the use of tactics overall.

I don’t know if I have enough games under my belt personally to ascribe my value to these critiques, but if that has been the take away from first or second time gamers I’ve played with, it is disappointing because I like this game. I don’t know if any of these items are being looked at in the revision or if it’s simply a repackaging of what exists.

Off the cuff, a heavier emphasis on scenarios might minimize some of those issues. If so, then I doubt GtG has the resources to produce high quality content at the rate rapid games will consume it so I would suggest a rule set of sorts for players and enthusiasts to use and crowd source some of this work and share it.

Naturally it is disappointing to have to wait longer, but I think we all recognise that game development doesn't always go as planned, nor do product sales.  At the end of the day, I can't see it as anything but positive that the people of GtG have too much integrity to release a sub-optimal product.  I look forward to getting the improved Broken City next year. 

In terms of suggestions, I would like Tactics to have options that would automate one team against a player team.  Most of my friends aren't interested in playing Tactics, so it would be nice to have better options for playing solo (as SotM can be played brilliantly solo, if one person play all the heroes).  I understand that, first and foremost, it is a competitive team skirmish game.  I don't want it to be that any less, just to give more options.  If it did, that would probably open up more people to be interested in buying the game.

Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this (and, if I am, then please ignore what follows), but it would be nice if GtG made some kind of compensatory gesture to those who paid for multiple shipping waves, commensurate with the generous gesture of free separate shipping that they've already given to those who only paid for one shipping wave for all their Villains and Broken city stuff.  I wouldn't want it to be anything inconvenient or expensive for them, especially if the Tactics line is already not making them money or even losing them money.  But, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, it would be nice of them to do something.  (Of course, they're not actually obliged to do something generous for one group just because they did it for the other, cf. Mt 20:1-16.  I just think it would be kind and customers would appreciate it.)

You're not the only one.  My group would play WAY more Tactics if it was something we could do as a team against a common goal or puzzle.

Co-op Tactics is really limited in what you can do.

The enemies have to act really simply, and yet you need the challenge to be engaging.

I've made 5 custom scenarios that feature automated villains, but the problem is you need multiple steps of programming for each enemy target, and even then it ends up being pretty easy to solve how to beat the puzzle.

You almost have to introduce some randomization or it isn't very interesting to play more than once or twice.

Most of them end up being a minion slaughter fest, and play like any number of co-op zombie games out there.

There just isn't a good way to replicate the competition a human opponent brings.

I agree with that, which is why the next best thing, as we've said a couple of times, is giving the teams interesting objectives like with Capture the Flag or Point Control.  As long as there's a goal beyond just pushing over the other guys, it can feel like a real game rather than a kindergarten recess fight. :)

Any updates on this? It seems that the kickstarter backers are getting monthly updates, surely those of us that have already waited a year plus for this product deserve a monthly update also on this project. It has been over two months since the last one. Last we ord was intense focus on this project after the kickstarter but this is the 3 or 4th time it was supposed be focues on with not much for an update. If they are changing some of the orginal characters, i hope any new cards are included for those that preordered this, and we don't  have to rebuy the orginal g a me to get the changes.

Based on talking to Peter while at Who's Yer Con, I don't think there will be any revisions to existing cards. No new characters will have Reach. How reach works may have its explanation changed for clarity.

It sounds like they're on the 4th iteration of playtest material.

You 100% will not have to rebuy the original game! And just for the record, those changes were me thinking out loud - we're still iterating rn!

I understood that you were still iterating, but figured the two things that I mentioned sounded like they were pretty set. (Nobody with Reach; changing explanation of Reach in the rules).

Looking farther upthread reminded me that Peter had also mentioned development work on Capture the Flag mode.

The main point of the post was can we get an update? They are giving those that kickstarted the card game a monthly update and considering we preordered over a year ago I feel we also deserve monthly updates.

There isn't much to update on.  It is being worked on, but a lot is still up in the air.  A lot of the things that are being looked into and re-evaluated will take time, and other deadlines have pushed focus away from Tactics this week.

There are revisions and new modes being tested, and focus is swinging back to tactics again so there might be more news (or not, depending on how things go) next month.  If I understood correctly this summer there will be a big push on Tactics.  This is of course my understandings from the playtesting side.

We are definitely making progress, but this week is really focused on other things, so Tactics is kind of waiting for a deadline to pass.

Another month of no news on this product. I am willing to bet money that the kickstarter for the card game delivers before this, because there are more backers, and they are more vocal. 

That’s not going to be the REASON, but that will probably happen. They’re doing MAJOR adjustments to visual appeal, rules revisions, and determining how and to whom to market it. It’s taking a lot of effort, and while ObliVAeon WILL probably get done first (speculation, of course – i can’t pretend to have insider knowledge of their business plans) it is most certainly NOT because it brought in more money.

Listen to the crickets on this. Been since january since we have had an ipdate, if they are not sending to the printer soon, they will. Iss the 2 year window of getting it out Feb 2017. I find myself avoiding the forums, and the experience of the silence and this game seemly being mived down the list of thing working has souredvme on the comoany as a whole.