A couple of weeks ago I introduced my friend Greg to SotM. Since then he’s been obsessed with figuring out how to beat Citizen Dawn when she’s in Advanced Mode. Last night he had a chance to try.
My husband and I had several friends over for a Game Night, including Greg. One table played Magic: the Gathering and the other table played Sentinels of the Multiverse.
(Which leads to a side question: is MtG a gateway drug for SotM, or is SotM the innocuous-seeming first step on the slippery slope to Magic? Or, like carrots and coffee, do they have nothing in common with each other except the fact that I love them?)
Anyway, we had a four-player SotM game going in the living room. Greg and I had played before, but Leigh and Robert were new to the game. We eased the newbies in by playing a simple campaign against Baron Blade in Metropolis. Wham bam thank you Tempest, in just half an hour the team of heroes had overwhelmed the Mad Baron. Now for Omnitron on Mars!
The rampaging robot ate our shorts. Badly.
Of course we had to play him again, so we did. Fiercely, without mercy. Grrr, argh! We beat Omnitron even though he was in Advanced Mode, with Dinosaurs!
(How did the robot get to the dinosaur island? We figured that there had been an advanced culture of sentient dinosaurs back in the Jurassic era, that built spaceships once they knew a deadly comet was on its way. Several hundred of them left the planet just before the comet hit the earth, wiping out all traces of their dino-civilization. But now they’re back, with their deadly robot factory, and they’re pissed.)
We congratulated each other on our amazing victory. I celebrated with some spicy tofu snacks and a bottle of sparkling Adult Beverage. (No, not champagne, it wasn’t THAT amazing a victory. Think micro-brewery summer lager.) Sadly, I’m a wimp when it comes to Adult Beverages, even deliciously mild micro-brewery summer lagers. One bottle at 11:00 PM and I’m down for the count. Nodding off, I said my goodnights and toddled off to bed.
But… before leaving I learned that the next SotM game was going to be a campaign against Citizen Dawn in Advanced Mode. Greg was prepared to lead the team to victory. He had brought notes.
As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear our friends laughing and shouting in the living room. The game was in full swing. Next thing I knew, the alarm was ringing, birds were chirping, and my husband was making those snorty groany sounds a man makes when he does not particularly want to wake up at 6:00 AM and shave for work. In fact, he sounded like a man who sincerely wished he could call in to work and explain that a thieving velociraptor had taken all his equipment the night before, so he was going to just sit out this day thank-you-very-much. With typical wifely concern, I lovingly shook him and tenderly turned on the bright lights.
“Did Greg do it?”
“Argh, the lights, they burn, precious! Warn me before you turn them on. Did Greg do what?”
“Did Greg beat Citizen Dawn in Advanced Mode?”
His huge yawn morphed into a big grin. “Yes he did! It was beautiful.”
“How? How? How how how how how?”
“Can’t talk, got to get ready for work now…” (My dear husband’s revenge was sweet. To him.)
I still don’t know how Greg did it. But now that I know it’s possible, I AM going to find out!