I’m just curious why the forums require a captcha to be entered every single time you post. I find that quite…irritating, and, frankly, it’s an incentive to not speak your mind/post when you normally would, because that one extra step is just an added, and, in my opinion, unnecessary frustration to the message-board system. Petition for removal, or is there a good reason for its existence? Rather than the captcha system, what I’ve found to work better on other forums is a) a required confirmation of existence via email to the registered email address, and b) an imposed limitation on posting until a requirement (posting a quick “hello” in a “new users” section) has been met. Honestly, captcha’s are frustrating because I can never see the letters clearly on a single image (forcing me to cycle the images until I get one I can read).
Captcha requirement? I don’t ever remember having to enter any captchas on this site from the moment I used it (even registration). Maybe it’s something newly added after that massive spam attack we had a bit ago, probably only added to new people / people with few posts.
That would be an acceptable explanation. I was unaware there was recently a massive spam-attack. Ah, well, then. Hopefully the requirement goes away for me soon
And, actually, it seems to have done just that, already. Huh. Weird.
Yeah that is exactly what it is. For your first 2 posts, you have to pass a captcha, but then it goes away. That got enabled in an attempt to avoid any more weird spam posts
It does seem like it’s been effective. Granted, I’m being pretty diligent about banning bots, but I haven’t logged in in the morning to see any spam posts in awhile…