card playing mats

I’m petitioning there should be awesome Sentinels of the Multiverse playing mats. Eh? Eh?

I’m pointing out there are… but they’re currently out of stock.

(also on the Kickstarter)

I’m talking like individual ones with like art work n stuff

What does “individual ones” mean? Do you mean a separate one for each hero and then another separate one for the villain and environment?

If you mean not-one-giant-mat, that might be nicer for storage and accommodating different shapes of tables…

I was thinking that the playmats he was referring to was like the mats people have for CCGs and it would be for each Hero (for each player) or Villain and Environment (both-in-one) and having spaces for the decks and play areas.

I think is it rather impractical, considering how many Fowls might be on the table…

I have made my own. They are designed to fit in the expansion boxes an utilize the large villain cards. I am also working on a new version that uses the nice little tokens (mainly the start/end turn ones). 


Matriac is a bit rough, but it still helps reduce the madness. 


Here is a link to the first ones I made:

These are too big to fit in the boxes and don't utilize the tokens.


Here is a link to the thread in which they first appeared:  (It was actually one of Spiff's threads). 


I would love to incorperate art into them, but I'm not sure what the rules are for that... Also, once I get the base models finished, I think I'm going to build costum mats for each hero. That way they are tailored to fit the play style of each hero. 


If people would like (and assuming I am allowed) I can post a link to a PDF of the new ones when they are finished. 

those are really cool. I wouldn’t flip the card sideways, I’d just tile them to the side, probably the right, but that is still cool. Also if you can figure out how to, use the artwork (I believe if you email the boys they will work something out with you) you could save space by ditching the portrait card slot

My new version uses the tiling method, the cards being sideways was getting to be a headache. 

Even if I used the character art, you'd still need the character card as it indicates max HP and the power. Unless you use Spiff's HP wheel things:

My new mats are far from perfect. trying to make them fit in the small boxes has really limited my space, so I'm having to do some strange things. I'm also trying to accommodate most deck styles in one form, so I'm trying to include ways to track HP for persistent cards (ongoing, equipment, etc). 

I can post my mock-ups if you guys would like. 

I'd like to see some mats!

I've seriously thought about getting one of the official mats and just cutting it into individual pieces. Our oval-shaped table just won't support the rectangular mats… :confused:

Here is the link:

Like I said, it isn't perfect, so please share your ideas and suggestions. 


First, the black line indicates where you would have to cut to make the mat fit in the small boxes. 

As you can see, there are slots for HP counters, lots of slots for the token pieces (though not particularly maximized...). Each token slot is just a touch bigger than the token, so you should be able to use them without fussing too much.

Pages two and three are designed somewhat strangely... They can accommodate up to 6 persistent cards or 3 cards that have HP. It looks a little strange, but it works, more or less. Also, the reason it is all right justified is so that you can cut away the excess and laminate the pieces together. That way the cards can be fold underneath the main mat so you can save space. 

Seriously, suggestions and ideas are more than welcome.

I haven't started on the new villain ones yet, once I get the generic hero mat ironed out, I'll start on the villain one. 


if you get individual artwork for each sheet you won’t need the hp number cause you could fit it in on the sheet on its own. like underneath where the tokens go, or just have enough token slots for max hp (son like 2 10s 2 5s and 51s for 35 for the Chairman.

That is true, but now that they have all of these promo cards, HPs flucuate a fair bit. And the powers are all over the place. I would have to either make a new mat for each promo, or have all the promos on the same sheet and just have players decide which one they wanted to use… 

true, but given my experience with spiff s cards, I certainly wouldn’t mind having one per villain and hero. :slight_smile:

I'd like to get in on the the brainstorming, but I'm a little confused by the mats.  First, some questions:

  1. What exactly will be in front of the player?  The PDF has three pages, so does that mean that there will be three 8.5x11 sheets of paper in front of each player?
  2. I don't understand the second two pages which have three slots for Ongoing/Equipment cards, then (it looks like) three slots for Start/End of Turn cards (not sure what these are) which themselves have spots for hp tokens, which I don't understand.  Why do Ongoings/Equipments have hp?

Next, some comments:

  1. I'll bet you could get away with half the number of spots you've got for modifiers by just making them generic "effects" slots.  No need to have 12 spots specifying which box is for "misc. modifiers" or "damage type" or "damage modifiers".  You could just have 5 or 6 generic spots and save the space.  Most heroes won't fill up even that many during the course of a game.
  2. Similarly, I'll bet you could eliminate one whole row of token spots if you just have the player stack up tokens in the 5s and 10s spot like poker chips.
  3. As has been mentioned, you could save the space of the Character card by using the official art (assuming you can get that going).  For example, you could have the character's pic with their hp total, power, and even the reduced number of token spots for tracking hp all in the space that's currently being used for the character card itself.

It looks to me like you would end up taking up more space (by creating more mats) if you had to make one for each hero. 

I haven't seen all of the heroes personally, but it seems like the second row of hp token spots is unnecessary.  One row will suffice I think.  They could also be generic as well so that placing them all together would look as odd as having one here and one there.

I agree with Spiff about the modifiers.  Just a few generic ones would be better.

I don't have a suggestion for it, but two extra sheets simply for ongoings/equips seems excessive space that most people wouldn't have.


1. This might be a little hard to explain, but I'll do my best (and post pictures later). 

Each paper has a black rectangle on it. You will cut along that line, which will all the piece to fit into the expansion boxes. Then, you will attach page 2 to the right of page one, and page 3 to the right of page 2. I will probably laminate mine, so I can fold pages two and three behind page one when I’m not using them.

2. I know page 2 is kind of crazy looking. You know how some characters have cards that have HP? Well, this will allow you to keep track of their HP. The bottom slots are dual purpose. If you don’t have a card with HPs, the bottom slots can just be used as Ongoing/Equipment card slots. You’ll just ignore the other stuff. But for characters like Unity and Visionary, this will come in handy. So, they way it would work is you put the card with HP in the top slot, then, the bottom slot becomes that cards HP tracker. The Start/End turn slot is so you can put the corresponding token in there if your card has that type of effect.

Comments: I could absolutely reduce the number of HP and token slots, but in so doing, I won’t really gain much. Given the space confines, if I removed the tokens, there would just be open space. Which could be good If I am able to use some of their artwork.

As far as the extra sheets go, they are just that, extra. If people don’t want to use them, or don’t see the point, they could just leave them off or fold them underneath. I’m kind of crazy about organization, so I know I’ll use them.

Did I cover everything?