Chairman and healing

If the chairman is defeated, but the game continues until the operative is dead...what happens if the chairman's  healing card is drawn?  Does he crawl out of the Lazarus Pit? Or does he ignore the healing since he is defeated?

I believe he is removed from the game when reduced to 0HP if The Operative is still in play, but I'm not for sure.  I don't currently have my cards with me.  But as far as I know, the only cards that can regain HP after they've hit 0HP are Indestructible cards.

The Chairman, like Omnitron, is removed from the game when he is destroyed.  He cannot come back and be healed.

not QUITE true. He is actually destroyed when destroyed, so he is put into the trash like all the other villain cards. Thus, it is possible to play him again from the deck.


My source being that Christopher himself told me this during a GSF playtester hangout. Omnitron specifically says that it is removed from play, but the Chairman doesn't; this is why he can be savage mana'd, as clarified in another rules topic. I asked him why that is, and he gave me the above answer.


So, to answer your question, he can not heal from the dead, but he CAN be played again after you destroy him initially.

That doesn't seem to work well with the oversized villain cards.  Also, I would have assumed that Omnitron can be savage mana'd as well.

Wouldn't Omnitron's remove effect happen first since the villan card entered play first.