Change Arsenal day-of-week?

The Arsenal meetup in Indy is currently scheduled for every fourth Wed, but at least one person’s schedule has changed, so it’s now looking like Tuesdays might be a better night.

All in favor?

All opposed?

If I don’t hear much either way, I will probably move it to Tuesdays.

I’ll check with our regular Tuesday evening and see if that can be moved…

I’m obviously in favour. :slight_smile:

Given that my regular Tuesday meeting changed to a regular Wednesday meeting the same week I said Wednesday was good, now Tuesday is good for me.

Are you talking about our every-other-week w/ the Klutzkes? I figured we’d interleave this one.

Ah! Yeah, that’s a great idea - works for me. :slight_smile:

The change has occurred!

The Arsenal dates are now on every fourth Tuesday.

I’ve updated the sticky thread.

It looks like you half changed it. It’s showing Tuesday, August 22, but there is no Tuesday August 22 (at least not for a few years anyway).

Thanks! Fixed.

So, does that get me an Andy Arenson Point of Total Awesomeness?