
Similar to the Timeline of the Multiverse thread, I had started to go through all the known dates for the Multiverse.  This is what I've got so far:


Millennia ago Atlantis built on an island in the South Pacific
Over 400 years ago Maria Helena (La Capitan) stows away on a galeon; enters rift in time
1759 Joseph William Parsons born
1772 Joseph Parsons apprenticed to Paul Revere
1775 Joseph Parsons develops ability to sense danger; Paul Revere's ride
Mid 1800's Overbrook City founded
1876 Megalopolis established
1883 Time Cataclysm transports several heroes and villains into and Jim Brooks (Chrono-Ranger) out of Silver Gulch
1884 M'kk Dall'ton (Tempest) born
Early 1900's First member of Parsons family to fly; becomes world's first superhero under the name Legacy
1903 Graham Pike (The Chairman) born
1921 Pike Industrial Complex established
1924 Jonathan Pike dies, Graham Pike takes control of Pike Industrial Complex
1928 Rainek Kel-Voss (Grand Warlord Voss) born
1935 Harry Robert "Slim" Walker (Mr. Fixer) born
1949 Aleksandr Tsarev (Proletariat) exposed to cosmic radiation
Mid 20th century Overbrook City starts being called Rook City
1971 Ivan Grigori Ramonat (Baron Blade) born
1972 Dawn Cohen (Citizen Dawn) born
1973 Paul Parsons (Legacy) born
1976 Ryan Frost (Absolute Zero) born
1977 Dr. Blake Washington, Jr. (Ra) born
1982 Dr. Meredith Stinson (Tachyon) born
1984 Ivan Ramonat's (Baron Blade's) mother, Edita, dies
1986 Sophia Anna Isabel DeLeon (The Operative) born
1987 Sophia Anna Isabel DeLeon's (The Operative's) parents die
1989 Jack Donovan (Spite) born
1992 Tyler Vance (Bunker) born
1993 Sophia Anna Isabel DeLeon (The Operative) begins taking martial arts
1993 Anthony Drake (The Argent Adept) born
1995 Drug dealers kill martial arts students; H.R. Walker (Mr. Fixer) closes school
1995 Faye Diamond (Nightmist) born
1997 Maia Adrianna Montgomery (The Wraith) born
1998 Amanda Cohen (Expatriette) born
2000 Ryan Frost's (Absolute Zero's) fiancé killed by drunk driver
2002 Pauline Felicia Parsons (Young Legacy) born
2003 Lillian Merle Corvus (The Matriarch) born
2005 Ryan Frost (Absolute Zero) caught in explosion of sub-zero atomizer, placed in stasis
2010 Tyler Vance (Bunker) and Steven Graves (Fright Train) join military
2014 Maia Montgomery (The Wraith) severely beaten by thieves
2017 Aldred Industries XK 9000-Alpha (Omnitron) becomes sentient
2018 Tyler Vance (Bunker) receives Distinguished Service Cross, joins Freedom Five


Dr. Meredith Stinson (Tachyon) joins Freedom Five


Ryan Frost (Absolute Zero) revived, refuses to join Freedom Five, lives in cryo chamber

2019 Maia Montgomery (The Wraith) assumes control of Montgomery Industries; Joins Freedom Five
2020 Ryan Frost (Absolute Zero) joins Freedom Five
2020 Present day
Years from now Legacy or Young Legacy is killed by Baron Blade
Over 100 years from now Omnitron-X approximates an empathy component
Over 1000 years from now The world is overrun by terrible monsters
Thousands of years from now Jim Brooks (Chrono-Ranger) loses arm and meets Concordant Harmonic Entity, version 4 (Con)


Some of the dates are definitely off.  Graham Pike's age doesn't match up well.  The Visionary was too confusing for me, so I left her info out.  I didn't deal with divergent timelines, so they all appear here.  

If this is useful, it can get added to the wiki, but let me know what should get cleaned up first.



12/12/12  Edited to fix Absolute Zero's timeline

Is Pauline's mother dead? I'm just curious because I don't think Paul Parson's wife or mother of his child has ever been mentioned.

I haven't looked over too many of the dates, but Absolute Zero was the fifth member of the Freedom Five.  He was in the coma for over 10 years, if that was 12 or 13, that would reconcile the Freedom Five member's order.

Also, Tachyon joined the Freedom Five between Tyler Vance and The Wraith.

and there is a quote in another thread from >G That says Time doesnt always match up right in comics, and Aging isnt always normal for Super Heroes.


That being said...a wesome work!


Can I put this on the Wiki?

I think Pauls wife is mentiioned on Fortitude or super human durability.


Thanks!  I put his revival at 2018 and added Tachyon to the Fredom Five in the same year, assuming she may have revived him after joining the Freedom Five.


I knew this may not line up just right going in, but it seems to be well planned out!  Most things do work.

Thanks and definitely this can go in the wiki!  I was looking there for something like this.  When I didn't find it, I started working on it myself.

I need help with the Visionary.  This is my theory:

I'm thinking that she was born in 2018.  In 2033, when she is 15, she teleports back to 2018 to protect her infant self.  Now, in 2020, she is 17.  In 4 years (2024), the infant Vanessa Long will become the Dreamer.

Does this make sense, or am I mixing things up?

"Fast forward to 2018: the U.S., already severely crippled by an increase in super powered criminal activity, fell to the combined forces of the Pan-Asian People’s Republic. While she’d fought alongside other heroes, including the Freedom Six, her efforts eventually proved fruitless. Realizing that there was nothing else she could do in her time, Vanessa, now calling herself “The Visionary”, used her psychic powers to transport herself back to our present."

This is taken directly from her bio on the website.

Why do you think 2020 is Present day, how did you figure that? Not seeing many dates in these bios, plus Present day changes throught the comics. According to the Visionary's Bio, Present day would be at least several years before 2018 because of The Dreamer being six years old.

EDIT: Think I see, Legacy born in 1973, age 47, equals 2020, but doesn't seem to coincide with Visionary's bio, I know they are from different timelines but still should have a link between them. If they would list more birthdates in the bios then maybe we could get a better idea. Birthdate is usually a key part to bios as well.

It might be safe to assume that present day is relatively close to our present day. The existence of superpowered people along with ridiculous geniuses like Tachyon and Baron Blade existing would alter the overall technological advancement of the country or species. Present day for Sentinels may even be a little in the past, since the events that led to the program which gave Visionary's powers happened in the late 2000's.

Yup, I tried to base the 'present day' off Paul Parsons VIII because he's the only birthdate we have a year for.


But things get hairy when you try to account for Absolute Zero and Bunker joining the Freedom Five/Four respectively, not to mention Visionary being from the future 2018...



Overall, though, I love the timeline (now to incorporate that other thread that puts all the flavor text from cards in order)

I wonder, considering she comes for 2018 and she is already aware of Iron legacy as seen in her card that features him (too lazy to bother getting the name of it) so it, so maybe the age of Legacy is actually his age after the point of turning into Iron Legacy? But that brings up another mystery, as Legacy would of been dead in the main timeline by then, if that is the age a regular Legacy does that mean they were keeping track of his age after death then?


All the Freedom Four joined in the same year, as seen in the comic when it gets to that point, and probably within the same month. Absolute Zero is a mystery though, as he first appears in Freedom Four annual #2, which would be released a year after the first annual in real world, but of course that doesn't mean it is a year inside the comic realm. Now it doesn't mention him joining in that issue either, but he is a member by or during the 3rd annual issue as it becomes Freedom Five.


So lets get Unity involved, so if all the ages are going by the placement we can put Legacy in means she is 19 by 2020, right? Meaning she would also be dead (at least in Iron Legacy's timeline) so Visionary travels from 2018, putting Unity at age 17. But by the time she was 18 she was already kicked out of 3 Universities and after it says that it states she is working with Tachyon...


Of course like in all comics series and such the characters ages can vary from comic to comic. But at the same time the people from >G have said there is a timeline worked out, so who really knows what is going on?

added it to the Wiki :)