Cloning Accident!

Baron Blade really screwed up this time. In an effort to create an army of Legacy clones loyal to him, he accidentally left the Parsons sense of justice in the clones. Now they’ve teamed up to defeat him.

Has anyone tried this? Yeah, it requires getting a few copies of the game in one place, but I’d love to see what happens when a team of the same character works together. Four Legacies, or Ras, or… You get the idea. Now I just need to get my friends to get their own copies.

I’ll let you know once I get my enhanced edition and can play two of the same hero in each game ;D

If you fancy trying it out and don’t have multiple copies you could try using the vassal module (see here), it allows for each player to play the same character

Thanks for the tip about the online option. I’d missed that thread somehow. That’s a great way to put it to the test.

I’ve wondered about doing something like this, especially with Young Legacy and Legacy. I don’t know if it would become a problem or not (it might, considering hero damage would ramp up quickly between their buffs) but it might be possible to play Legacy and Young Legacy in the same game without major problems if they were both drawing from the same deck and using the same trash. I guess it’d have to be something to experiment with between each method of play.

What about four Ras?

There have been for at least 4 Ras over the course of Ra’s career, 4 alternate Ras is easily possible!

Four Ras. Wow. Imagine the amount of fire damage that could be dished out in a single attack.