I have a quick question concerning Combat Stance. It says “The first time the Wraith is dealt damage by a target each turn, the Wraith deals that target 2 melee damage.” My question concerns the phrasing. Is this intended to take effect once each turn, or once each turn per target? For example, if a bunch of Voss’ baddies are out, does Wraith only smack the first one to deal her damage, or does she smack them EACH for two damage, since it’s the first time each target has dealt her damage this turn?
It says the first time she is dealt damage by a target per turn. So, each turn, the first time a target deals damage, she retaliates. If another target deals damage later that turn, it wouldn’t be the first time she was dealt damage by a target this turn. The reason “by a target” is included is that non-targets can deal damage, and if she were to attempt to retaliate to that, nothing would happen.
You seem to be asking what the definition of a turn is. The villain gets a turn. Each hero gets a turn. The environment gets a turn. So, all of the villain cards act during a single turn.
Nah, I’m well versed on what a turn is, as I’ve seen that question asked by others here and on BGG.
Essentially, I can see the wording being read as “any target each turn” (i.e. only one retaliation per turn) or “each target each turn” (i.e. only retaliation per target per turn). The problem is that it says “a target”, which is ambiguous. I’m perfectly willing to accept JayMann’s answer, as he tends to be right more often than not,and it makes her more powerful. I was just curious how others read it.
How does JayMann’s answer make Wraith more powerful? Isn’t JayMann saying that Wraith only retaliates against the first target that attacks Wraith, not against all of them?
Wow, somehow I totally misread his response. I guess that’s what I get for reading forums half-asleep. gets more caffeine
It would be nice to have an official chime in looks around hopefully
I will provide a second hand official stance here. During the first time I demoed the game with Adam, I played with Ra (who has a card which plays similarly to Combat Stance). I asked him this same question, and he gave me the same response I gave you. So, only the first target per turn.
This was recently clarified by Christopher in another post. I can’t link you to it, because it was posted in the playtester forums, but here is his quote:
The first time a single target hits Ra while he has his Flame Barrier, he hits it back. If that same target hits him again, he doesn’t get to respond. However, if a different target in the same turn hits Ra, Ra’s Flame Barrier goes off again. At least that is the intention of the wording.
This applies to Combat Stance as well. This means that it will go off once PER TARGET per turn.
Cuts both ways. Backlash field becomes more of a challenge, for instance, as things like divine focus and funneling attacks through AZ don’t work quite as well. Unity, in particular, is greatly affected.
Not having Unity I can’t comment but making Backlash Field more challenging? I can’t see that with any of the heroes as it went off once per turn anyway, how many times do you have multiple targets damage the villain in an individual hero’s turn?
And it also significantly underpowers Mr Fixer’s Driving Mantis style, before it was on a par with the other cards, his definitely only goes off once per turn, not once per target per turn.
That’s why I mentioned Divine Focus and funneling attacks through Absolute Zero, but I agree that they are weak sauce compared to how much more potent Combat Stance is made.
Also it’s much more likely that she will retaliate against Heroes that deal damage to other Heroes (Such as Haka’s Rampage), or themselves (as when Plague Rat infects a hero and causes them to deal damage to themselves). It isn’t purely better or worse. I actually like it this way. It does a lot more good than bad, for the most part.
Picking on Haka’s Rampage, you would do damage if it had the ‘original’ interpretation or the ‘correct’ interpretation, both would be the first time you are damaged during a turn (Haka’s turn in this case), it doesn’t change anything for that example.
I think it SHOULD have a “you MAY” in there, so if you have to hit yourself or are hit by another hero you at least have the option of not hitting them back.