Can somebody that has permission make a forum or a thread or something where it's okay to talk about the comic?  I'd like to discuss it, but I don't wanna do spoilers.  Can we make like a Kickstarter only forum or something?



What'd I miss, is the comic out?

There are several threads over on BGG indicating it came out today.


On another topic, is there any way for someone who missed the Kickstarter to get access to the comic?  I'd really like to see it, but didn't discover SotM untill the day after the Kickstarter ended.

Christopher says he'll be posting the comic in pieces on the site over the course of November if you didn't get it from the Kickstarter.

For those of us on the Kickstarter, we received an e-mail (which I can't get until I get home!!! :cry: ) with the entire comic included. :open_mouth:

Greatly looking forward to it…

Ah ha, I have it now too.  My iPad brings the home email goodness even when I'm at work. :)

I'm sure this won't give anything away, but, if any future comics are produced, what would be extremely helpful would be page numbers, especially when I print them out, but then can't figure out the order very well when I have to reprint a couple misprinted pages, or drop the stack of papers or such.

hmm, it seems that even though I was part of the kickstarter I never recieved an email about the comic. Not so much a big deal, I can always read it in November. 

If you did not receive an email, your email client probably blocked it because it is so big! Send me an email at with your kickstarter name and an email address that can accept attachments of at least 20mb