Coming to PAX Aus

I have a few freinds excited about SotM and playing it at PAX, I'm curious will Vengence be available?

It is very unlikely that we'll have Vengeance at PAX Australia, unfortunately.

If I may hijack this thread slightly, I am VERY EXCITED about PAX Australia, because my wife and I will be traveling from the US to Melbourne in order to combine a vacation with helping out at the >G booth at PAX Aus.


Who's going to be there? If you're interested in helping with the booth you should contact Paul, but even if you just want to drop by the booth to say hello and maybe play a game or two, please do!


My experience at PAX East was that the gaming at the booth kept getting bigger and bigger as the con went on and more and more people told their friends about it. The more enthusiastic and/or experienced players who can help us show off the game, the better.

I'll be around at PAX Aus. Not travelling as far as you guys (only down from Sydney) but I can't wait to see what's there!