Connecting Art

In a recent game after playing a Swift Bot next to a Stealth bot I noticed their art combines.


Apparently the art of the Freedom Bot makes a huge landscape art.

>G any chance we could get that for use as a wallpaper?


Also has anyone noticed anywhere else this exists??

Citizen Sweat, Blood, and Tears are all the same pic too. 

Pride & Prejudice from Expatriette's deck

I am disappointed they didn't do it with Spite's Drugs


While not connecting art, Ambuscade's Explosive Launcher and Charged Attacks have connected flavour text.

Most of Dawns citizens match up together. I think the seasons are the only citizen group that doesnt match.

That would make sense, since they're the only group who don't have any kind of synergy with each other.

Does the fact that they read "Prejudice and Pride" when paried up like this drive anybody else crazy?

Not from her perspective.

Christopher any update on the wallpaper kit?

Really hope some of the connected art makes it into it.

It does…

And now, thanks to that thought, it doesn't!

Sure, but that's like how the Apple logo used to be on Macbooks.  Back in the day, the logo was right-side up if you were looking at it closed, but once you opened it, everyone around the table would be looking at an upsidedown Apple logo.  Eventually they reversed it so that it looked correct for the majority of people but was upside down when closed.  Same with Pride/Prejudice.  It's nice that it's correct for the character in the picture, but for the hundreds of people who look at the cards all the time while playing, it's still backwards...

Who put it that way: GtG or Expat. I can see Expat not caring about us.

Part of that decision was advertising/brand recognition for others who see you using the products, I can't see Expatriette worrying about that as people who see her with both guns drawn aren't likely to be telling others about it!

Of course, because it's more important for the fictional character on the card to be served than all the actual humans using the card. ;)

I like the Prejudice and Pride layout. It's true to what Expatriette would do, which I find interesting and satisfying.

I always just figured ExPat was left handed.