Cooperative Games FTW

Just had some friends over to play a fun game we picked up at GenCon (shout outs to Red Dragon Inn) and toward the end we all decided that after binge-gaming on SotM, non-cooperative games are just not as much fun.

I’m looking forward to expansions, but I’m also excited for >G to make other cooperative games since this one was so awesome.

Agreed, playing games like Anima and Munchkin are pretty fun, but there is always someone that will be a jerk and start attacking or hindering other players. The only character I can think of that can hinder anyone is Visionary, who can lower a person’s damage and even change it to a type the minion is immune to.

Though we have gone out of our way to make it so that helping each other is in everyone’s best interest, there will always be clowns and griefers. There are lots of ways to hold your teammates back or outright hurt them, but we strongly discourage this type of activity. Lots of times the best you can do is just let them know they’re ruining everyone’s evening, or just don’t invite them back if they insist on shenanigans.

Also along this topic of people who enjoy hurting the allies. Has there been any thought of making a few Villians functionable as a playable character aswell. So those who want to hurt the heroes could do that if they pleased?

There was some speculation of that nature in the very early stages of the game, but SotM is designed to be 100% cooperative. We plan on providing new challenges and new allies, even some edgier anti-hero types, but I think a PvP expansion is not in the cards for this game. Pun intended.

I’m glad its 100% co-op. But the someone playing a villain would be cool if the villain was like a reformed bad guy and you could use the deck as a villain or hero.

Balance becomes a substantial issue at that point, if you were to use the same deck. Villains becoming heroes is a classic comic trope and we’d love to simulate that in-game somehow, but we won’t do it if we can’t do it well.

There is always making a villian as a villian, then down the line switching up his deck to make him more of a super hero and giving him the forty card deck, and of course new card art to show his new life as a hero. Of course he could then fight his villian half and the only explaination would be it is part of any multiverse.

I like the idea of, down the line, recreating a current villain as a hero; however, I’d rather a uniqueness rule. Basically, no two in play characters can share the same name. That way, the new hero version can’t fight his older villain self (or, vice versa). Of course, this would dissallow Legacy and Legacy (unless that’s already considered dissallowed), but a loophole with that would be that one is actually named America’s Finest Legacy, while the other is named America’s Newest Legacy.

There’s currently no uniqueness rule for heroes, so if you have a second Legacy deck it’s completely ok to play Legacy and Young Legacy in the same game. (Incidentally, should you desire to do so, there are individual decks available in the store.)

So… No uniqueness rule would mean that four people who each purchased the game could have a team of four Ras teaming up against a single villain?

Technically, yes, though the moment anything’s immune to fire damage, that’s game over. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not necessarily. There is still have the Staff of Ra. Which raises another question… does “Limited” apply to the player, or to the table. Can four Ras have a Staff of Ra each? or can only a single Staff of Ra be in play on the table at one time?

Limited applies to the entire table. Expect this rule to be relevant at some point in the future :slight_smile:

Unless the villain or hero was a time traveler, then their older self could totally make sense as to fight them. Sorta…it makes sense.

Wow so limited refers to the table, so we’ll be seeing some cards have repeat items then. I’m so can’t wait much longer for the expansions, I just can’t wait to see what you’ve got instore for all your fans.

I love that comics tradition allows for ridiculous time travel alternate history fighting yourself type stuff. My explanation when I’m explaining something that is utterly ridiculous in comics to someone that doesn’t really get it is “Because Comics”. I think that pretty much just sums it all up.

“So he’s dating a woman who looks just like his dead girlfriend, but isn’t her, but then they find out that she’s really a clone of said dead GF made by the villain just to mess with them? And there’s some dude running around who’s the son of this guy and the deadGFclone but he’s actually from the future and is here to save us from the horrible stuff he lived through? Wha-?!”

“Because comics!”

The Visionary is totally a time traveler - and we’ve already seen alternate future Legacy…

What if future Legacy were created (either as a playable Hero or as a villain?) and he, current timeline Legacy and Young Legacy were all in a game? The storylines I can come up with to make that happen are slightly less ridiculous than many I have seen from Marvel.

Especially with the “Paulina Legacy” card we’ve been debating about getting a second Legacy Deck so that we can play a Father/Daughter team.

In which case, you’d basically want to do a “house rules” exception to use both of them. As far as official rulings, there is a table-uniqueness rule for Legacy’s abilities, but if you want to use four Ra’s in the privacy of your own home, who are we to judge?