Couple of Q's we came up with after first gameplay


1. Omnitron's end of villain turn effect triggers, allowing it to play the top card of the villian deck. The card revealed (s-85 Repair Drone) also has an end of villain turn trigger. Does the effect activate for S-85 Repair Drone or has it missed the timing for the end of villain turn effects?

2. Can incapacitated Heroes skip turns in order to satisfy certain costs (e.g. Meteor Storm from the Wagner Mars Base Environment)?

3. Do cards that trigger at beginning of turn and end of turn trigger on incapacitated heroes?

4. Do beginning of turn/end of turn triggers activate if a player skips his or her turn?

5. If a player skips his or her turn to satisfy the cost of Self-Destruct Sequence (Wagner Mars Base) destroy Meteor Storm?

6. Pervasive Red Dust's effect reads "If each player discards 1 card, destroy this card". Since incapacitated players don't have a hand, does that mean this card cannot be destroyed this way?

7. I am Playing Absolute Zero with Isothermic Transducer. It is the end of the environment turn and there are 2 environment cards that trigger at the end of turn, One of which is Fire in the Biosphere. Am I correct that we played the effects in this sequence: Resolve Fire in the Biosphere trigger > Isothermic Transducer > The second environment card with an "end of turn trigger"?

Sorry for the massive text. Thanks in advance!


1) It still activates. The same applies for things that bring cards out at the start with start of turn effects/

2) Yes.

3) Yes, but the effect may not apply. For example, Afflicted Frenzy will cause the incapacitated hero to rise up and tear at their fellows if they're infected, but Infection itself won't damage them as they're no longer targets.

4) Yes and no. If the card takes effect before the hero skips their turn, i.e. was in play before the card that causes the skip and is in the start of turn effect, that card will still take effect, but if playerd afterwards it won't. Skipping your turn will skip all end of turn effects.

5) This could be interpreted either way, but I do not believe so.

6) No. It only applies to players with active characters. If you've managed to lose your hand and have 0 cards but are otherwise active, it can't be destroyed as you can't discard a card.

7) You played that correctly.

Welcome to the forums.

Regarding 5, I think technically you could do the effect on both cards by skipping a turn. I use omnitron as precedent: when he has components out, you can destroy multiple components simultaneously by dealing him 7 damage in 1 round. Multiple effects triggering off the same event. 

What I am unsure about is if you didn't want to satisfy both cards, could you skip your turn and do the self destruct sequence but not remove the meteor shower?  I would guess that you could skip your turn and not remove meteor storm because it says a player "can" and not "if...then". "Can" is similar to "may". 

I dont think so Xchylde - because the components say 'Whenever 7 Damage would be delt in a single round' - versus '1 player may skip his turn" (emphasis mine) - the may implies this is a cost decision, where as the whenever indicates this is a trigger. The difference being you have to choose to do the second so that you can only choose to do this per one card at a time, and the first happens whenever the condition is met - the condition is met by 7 damage to omnitron and so all components can trigger off that.

To add to the discussion, once you skip your turn for one card, your turn immediately ends. No draw, no end of turn triggers. You don't have another turn to skip immediately after you decide to skip for one effect.

Yeah, I think you can choose to skip your turn but must then decide which card it is you're going to satisfy in order to do so - either the Meteor Shower or the Self-Destruct Sequence, but not both at once. Someone else would have to skip their turn to get rid of the other one. Unless, of course, you have someone with Environment destruction, in which no-one needs to skip a turn unless you're in danger of the Self-Destruct going off before you can destroy it.

Oh, and welcome to the forum, Maida :).

We had the same discussion about skipping your turn to destroy the Meteor Shower and to add a card to the Self-Destruct Sequence and decided that since the wording of the cards says you may skip your turn TO specifically achieve the desired effect then you cannot have both effects take place.

If the cards said something like "you may skip your turn. If you do so then you may..." then it might be possible since the effects would be a passive effect from having skipped your turn and not the active driver behind it. 

Thanks for the warm welcome guys! :)

Follow up question. After playing Prayer of Desperation (Fanatic - One-Shot- Draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand. Immediately end your turn), do end of turn triggers work? I'm guessing immediately ending your turn is not the same as skipping your turn so it would work?

If it says end your turn then you move to the end of turn phase. So yes you still trigger end of turn events. 

Is there an official response backing that up, or do we just figure that's the case?  I don't have that in my Clarifications doc, but I'd love to put it there if we have an official statement.

I've definitely read it before somewhere on here, but I can't remember where it was or who said it...


Nice.  I'll update my doc soon.  Thx.

I wish I could always just make a claim and have someone else magically show up with the proof :)

Instead on these boards someone usually shows up with a logical rebuttal to my interpretations. Curse you reading comprehension!