Cowboy dude on Silver Gulch divider

Can't find any information about this. I don't know if this has been discussed before or not.

Who is that guy? He doesn't look like Chrono-Ranger to me.

Just a random cowboy, I think. The divider uses a (large) section of the art from the Lost in the Past card. The art shows guns pointed at three heroes and I think the cowboy in that picture is meant to be amongst those holding guns trained on the three heroes.

I just noticed there's no flavour text on Lost in the Past. Is this the first time flavour is omitted?


So it doesn't… Probably because of it's big block of text, it does have a lot of instructions after all. The only other card I would of guessed would skip on it would of been the Self-Destruct Sequence, but it shortened the picture rather than dropping flavour text.


First edition had no flavour text on their environment cards… Just saying!

Ops, I'm still holding to my 1st edition, and yes they do have flavour text! :wink:

He, from the flavor text I got, is the Sheriff who replaced Jim, Chrono-Ranger, after Jim got sent through time. They do know each other, and Jim has that stroy about the old guy bashing someone's hands in the cell door, so I'd say he was the sheriff,was good enough to retire and left the job to Jim, then took over when Jim disappeared.

Also, he's standing behind the heroes, the guns seem to all be from the gang members


Could someone kindly post the flavor text or somehow add it to the wiki for those of us owning the second edition.


Oh wow… Is it bad that I had never noticed that first edition environment card still had flavour text? Now I am tempted to unsleeve all the environment cards I have with GSF playtesting cards in it so I can see if anything is different. This could take while…

There are a couple cards that changed flavor text between editions.  A few just changing the issue the quote comes from.  But I can't remember them all right now.