Something I drew up over the weekend:
Cards Section Key:
[# Number in Deck] (Card Type Header) (Form Icon) : "Card Descriptor Text" Card Information Text
[# Total Deck Count at bottom of list]
HP: 24
Setup: Phantasm begins the game with Human Form in play.
Power: Play a Card.
1: All Heroes' Damage is increased by 1.
2: All Heroes Heal 1 Hit Point.
3: All Heroes Draw a Card.
Nemesis: Unknown
[1] FORM (M): "Human Form" When this Card enters play, Destroy all of Phantasm's Cards not marked (M) that are already in play. / Only Cards marked (M) may be played while Human Form is in play. / Power: Choose a Hero. Increase that Hero's Damage by 1 until the end of your next turn.
[1] FORM (P): "Polymorph Form" When this Card enters play, Destroy all of Phantasm's Cards not marked (P) that are already in play. / Only Cards marked (P) may be played while Polymorph Form is in play. / Phantasm has all Damage dealt to him increased by 1. / Power: All Villain and Environment Cards have their Damage reduced by 1 until the start of your next turn.
[1] FORM (B): "Beast Form" When this Card enters play, Destroy all of Phantasm's Cards not marked (B) that are already in play. / Only Cards marked (B) may be played while Beast Form is in play. / Power: Deal one non-Hero Target 4 Melee Damage.
[1] FORM (W): "Wraith Form" When this Card enters play, Destroy all of Phantasm's Cards not marked (W) that are already in play. / Only Cards marked (W) may be played while Wraith Form is in play. / Effect: Phantasm draws a Card at the start of his turn. He may then play a Card.
[2] ONE-SHOT (MPBW): "Shapeshift" Search Phantasm's Hero Deck or Discard for any Form Card and put it into play. If the Hero Deck was searched, Shuffle it.
[1] ONGOING (M): "Battle Recon" Increase all Damage dealt by Heroes by 1.
[2] ONE-SHOT (M): "Tactical Planning" Draw three cards.
[2] ONE-SHOT (M): "Intelligence Boon" All Heroes Draw a Card. All Heroes may then Play a Card.
[2] ONE-SHOT (M): "Coordinated Assault" All Heroes may use a Power now.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (M): "Cover Fire" Power: Reduce all Damage dealt to any one Hero by 1 until the start of Phantasm's next turn.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (M): "Target the Weakness" Power: Any Hero may use a Power now.
[1] ONGOING (P): "Mimic" Phantasm copies any one Power from another Hero.
[1] ONGOING (P): "Doppelgänger" Play next to a Villain Card. Phantasm becomes a copy of that Card, duplicating its powers. Phantasm may use these abilities on Hero or non-Hero Targets as a Power.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (P): "Shadow Clone" Play next to a Hero Character Card. Phantasm becomes a phantom copy of that Hero. He may use any Powers and Abilities that Hero can use. Increase that Hero's Damage by 1 while this Card is attached.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (P): "Decoy" Play next to a non-Hero Card. That Card cannot deal damage while this Card is attached. If that Card is Destroyed, Destroy this Card.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (P): "A Private Little War" Power: Phantasm engages a non-Hero Target in a personal battle he has no intention of winning nor losing. That Target cannot deal Damage until the start of Phantasm's next turn.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (P): "Diversion" Power: Any Hero may use a Power now. If they do, Phantasm draws a Card.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (W): "Espionage" Power: Draw the top three cards from the Villain deck. Place one of your choosing on top of the deck, another of your choosing on the bottom, and put the third in the Villain Trash without executing any of its effects.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (W): "Troublesome Cur" Power: The Villain draws one less Card to begin its next Turn.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (W): "EMP Attack" Power: Destroy any number of Hero Ongoing and Equipment Cards, then Destroy that many non-Hero Ongoing and Equipment Cards currently in play.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (W): "Toxic Embrace" Power: Phantasm deals any amount of Toxic Damage to himself, then deals that same amount of Toxic Damage to any non-Hero Target.
[2] ONGOING (B): "Unstoppable" Phantasm Heals 1 Hit Point at the start of his turn.
[2] ONGOING (B): "Iron Hide" Reduce all Damage dealt to Phantasm by 1.
[1] ONE-SHOT (B): "Martyr's Courage" Phantasm takes all damage that would be dealt to other Heroes onto himself until the start of his next turn. At the start of his next turn, he returns all Damage dealt towards him as X back to either one Non-Hero Target, or all Non-Hero Targets, where X = All Damage Taken/2 to All Non-Hero Targets, or X = All Damage Taken to One Non-Hero Target. After playing this Card, you may either: (1) Discard two other Cards from your Hand to return this Card to your Hand immediately, or (2) Draw two Cards.
[1] ONGOING (B): "Berseker Rage" When Phantasm takes Damage, place it on this Card instead of his Character Card. This Damage still counts against his total Hit Points remaining. This Damage is referred to as X in the attached Power. When this Card is Destroyed, put all Damage markers placed on this Card back onto Phantasm's Character Card. Power: Phantasm may deal one non-Hero Target X Damage. Phantasm may then deal a Second non-Hero Target X - 1 Damage. Spazz may then deal a Third non-Hero Target X - 2 Damage.
[1] ONGOING (B): "A Taste of Blood" Increase all Damage dealt by Phantasm by 1. All Damage dealt by Phantasm is now Irreducible.
[1] ONGOING (B): "Heedless Charge" Power: Phantasm may deal one Target 3 Melee Damage. Phantasm may then deal a second Target 2 Melee Damage. Phantasm may then deal a third Target 1 Melee Damage. Phantasm then takes 1 Damage from the Villain.
[1] ONGOING (B): "Rising Flame" At the beginning of your Turn, you may place up to 3 Cards from your Hand under this Card. Power: Deal one non-Hero Target X Melee Damage, where X = the number of Cards underneath this Card.
[1] ONGOING (B): "Demon's Eye" Power: Discard any number of Cards from your Hand. Phantasm may then deal an amount of Psychic Damage to all non-Hero Targets equal to the number of Cards Discarded this way.
[2] ONGOING (MPBW): "Inhuman Speed" Phantasm may either: 1) Play an additional Card this Turn. 2) Use an additional Power this Turn. 3) Draw an additional Card at the end of his Turn. At the end of his turn, he deals 1 Melee Damage to himself for doing any one of these three things.
[2] ONE-SHOT (MW): "Sabotage" Destroy all Villain Targets' Equipment or Relic cards.
[1] ONE-SHOT (MPBW): "The Beast Within" Discard any number of cards to Heal X Hit Points, where X = Number of Cards Discarded multiplied by 2.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (MPBW): "Sentinel" You may redirect all Damage that would be dealt to any Hero to Phantasm instead.
[2] ONGOING (Limited) (MPBW): "Vitality Transfer" Power: All Heroes except Phantasm Heal 2 Hit Points. Phantasm deals himself 1 Psychic Damage.
Aliases: Phantasm
Age: Unknown
Height: Varying
Weight: Varying
Hair Color: Varying
Eye Color: Varying
Birthplace: The New World
Power Source: Shapeshifting, Genetic
Group Affiliation: United States Special Forces, NSA, CIA
Occupation: Freedom Fighter, Black Ops Specialist
First Appearance: n/a
DESC: Tape Recording (Transcript)
DATE: January 13, 1948
"...Soundtest... we have audio?
All right now, Mister...?
Is this your real name?
[It is real only in that I gave it to myself.]
Why did you choose this name?
[They say I'm just a ghost... a figment of the imagination, an urban legend, a fairy tale. Therefore... I am a Phantasm.]
Why do they call you an urban legend?
[Shapeshifters are beings of the imagination... we don't exist in any fixed state. One day, I can be a man, the next, a woman. Or I could come completely from left field and be a tree. You never know with me.]
But you seem to prefer this particular form?
[It's the one I know best. I feel like it... suits me.]
An albino male?
[Does it not make me seem like an apparition?]
I suppose you could say that.
[Then is it not fitting?]
I thought I was conducting the interview?
[(LAUGHTER) So you are.]
So, what would you say is the nature of your powers? The source?
[I've always been this way... I must have been born a shapeshifter.]
Would you say it's a genetic mutation, then?
[I wouldn't know. Your scientists might have an idea.]
They're working on that now.
I understand there have been a few... incidents... in your past that didn't turn out in your favor. Misunderstandings... conflicts?
[More than a few.]
Would it be fair to say people fear you?
[They... WE... fear what we don't understand. There are times I... that I'm afraid of myself.]
Because of the things you can do?
[And the things that I still don't know I can do.]
You're saying there may be more untapped power in you?
[It seems to... grow... as time moves along. New abilities emerge... new understandings. For instance... the Beast.]
El Monstruo?
[That's what they called me... sometimes I feel like I can control it... other times, I feel like it controls me.]
How did it come to be? When did you discover that form?
[I was simulating canines... taking forms... when a panther attacked me. Out of desperation, the form grew larger, stronger... half-human, half-monster...]
Like a werewolf?
[Perhaps... it has its own... trigger... its own memory... I can assume it on command, but...]
...You're afraid of what happens when you do?
[Things die.]
Is that why you've come to us? To help you understand it? To help you control it?
[I don't know why I came here, exactly... maybe... I just need to know... that I can do something to keep others safe.]
Safe from yourself?
[Yes... mostly...]
We might be able to help you.
...I think that'll be enough for today. Lieutenant? Could you shut off the au-- (UNINTELLIGIBLE)
Some are born heroes... other need a push in the right direction.
The ageless, obscure hero known only as Phantasm is shrouded in mystery, and he refuses to reveal many clues. All he has ever told anyone that survives to this day are bits and pieces of a long and troubled past, dating back several centuries to when the Americas were still known as the East Indies.
Back then, he was known only as a phantom of the American wilderness, a ghost who appeared and took forms at will: people, animals, the environment. Half legend and half myth, he roamed the country, moving from village to village and conflict to conflict, both observing and participating in the ebb and flow of human activity. But man fears what he doesn't understand: some hunted him, others fled from him. The experience has left him equal parts jaded, bitter, alone, and confused. Never longing for more than a peaceful existence, his travels led him to a hidden U.S. Army base in the Nevada desert, near Groom Lake: Area 51. Surrendering himself to the authorities there, he was taken in eventually as a military test project, and eventually trained as a black ops specialist, putting his innate shapeshifting skills and immense intellect to great use.
What the future holds for him is unknown, and what he seeks in the now is also a mystery... if he has a motive, he doesn't reveal it, if he has a plan, he doesn't share it... all anyone knows is that - for now, at least - he is a great aid to the cause of justice.
For the time being... that will have to be enough.
I just thought he was interesting and wanted to share.