I came across a situation involving damage redirection that I couldn't find any answers for in the game rules. So, i'm asking here what people think on this situation, as it's very specific, but easily engineerable in the specific situation.
When playing with Legacy and Wraith (other characters are moot for this) it is possible to create an infinite damage redirection loop. THis involved the smoke bombs equipment card and Legacy's card that allows him to redirect any damage to heros to himself (I can't recall the name, off hand). The smoke bombs redirect damage from the hero with the lowest HP to the hero with the highest and reduces it by 1, Legacy's card, as described, redirects any damage done to heros to himself. So, the situation is this: If legacy has the lowest HP, and is hit for an arbitrary amount of damage, can it be redirected to (for this example) Wraith, and reduced by 1, then redirected again to legacy, then redirected again to Wraith, and rediced by another 1, ad infinitum untill the damage is reduced to 0?
I ask because unlike other damage reduction, for example Legacy's ongoing that reduces all damage by 1 that seems like it would only apply when the damage actually is (finally) applied, the smoke bomb damage reduction seems to apply to the damage total as a part of the redirection.
Has anyone else had this come up? and how did they play it?