Damage type changes

It struck me the other day that since timing is important I wonder if have I been playing this wrong.

If Wraith plays Micro Targeting Computer and then Ra plays Imbue Fire and then Wraith shoots her Razor Ordinance what happens? I've played that it does 4 fire damage with Micro Targeting Computer doing nothing. However, it struck me that since Micro Targeting Computer was in play first maybe it would do its boost first, then the attack would change to fire, and then boosts again for a total of 6 fire damage.

Your initial thought it correct, as it specifies Projectile damage. Once it becomes fire it is no longer projectile so it no longer gets increased.

I was all ready to go with j1hopki1, but then Ronway dropped his usual logicbomb and now I agree with him. 

But, since card order matters, doesn't the type change only happen after Micro Targeting's effect? I am only playing devil's advocate here. My post about damage steps says damage type is determined before damage amount cause that's the way I think is should be.


Because Imbued fire replaces projectile damage with fire damage, her targetting computer wouldnt even attempt to increase. Its the same instance of focused apertures not working for AbZ with Imbued Fire in play.  


Card order does not apply here. You could reword her card to say "if wraith would deal projectile damage, increase it by 2" and it would resolve this issue. If she had a card that said "change the type of wraiths damage to projectile and increase her projectile damage by 2 then it would matter. 

The way I've heard it explained previously is that damage type is simply calculated before modifiers, so the damage ends up being fire and only increased by one.

Here's an interesting one, though: what if Imbued Fire and Twist the Ether are both in play? Does the target of TtE get to choose their damage type or is it overwritten as fire? Does it depend on the order in which IF/TtE were played, or does one always take precedence?

I think Visionary gets to determine the damage type whenever the Twisted target would deal damage, therefore she's able to override any current damage-type-changing effects (eg Imbued Fire, toxic vat thingy) on such targets.

Technically, it depends on the order they entered play, but lots of people house rule it to let Heroes decide because micromanaging the order your cards come out is un-heroic.