Damn it, Ronway!

I thought we needed a thread in which to complain about things that Ronway does that get us all killed.

And, go. ;)

Case 1, Ronway attempts to save Fixer from incapacitation by playing Wrest the Mind on Matthew Hayes to redirect his damage to Akash's Phalanges. This led to two Entombs being played (which Ronway totally knew were there) which killed everyone. Including Nightmist who had 19 HP and Ra who had 14.

Damn it, Ronway!

How did destroying Akash'Bhuta's limbs lead to her playing extra cards? She'd just hit herself and that'd be that. The only other thing that might happen would be if she was on her Destruction side, in which case you'd discard from the environment for the destroyed limbs. Even if that meant you emptied the environment deck and needed to reshuffle it, thereby causing her to flip back again, no other cards are being played so she wouldn't get to perform her front-side action either. I must've missed something...

If she was flipped, she would've played extra cards after Mathew Hays was killed by using Wrest the Mind.

Yes as Niel said she was on her flip side. Visionary redirecting Matthew Hayes caused the backlash to destroy a Stout Barrel, which than played an Entomb, which then laid waste to a Prickly Cactus which played a secod Entomb, which destroyed both Matthew Hayes and Explosive Wagon. Which than lead to a Primeaval Eruption and some other cards I can't recall.

Haha thats awesome. I need to find some time to get back in the hangouts. Those are always a lot of fun.

At least someone agrees with me. I still laughing a little because of it. We may have one if Visionary would of just let Fixer go down.

Rofl ahh I didn't think of that - I rarely use Wrest the Mind so forgot about the fact that the target gets hit as well as having their damage redirected…despite the lengthy discussion of that very card that's been happening over these past few days!

I wouldn't mind playing in one of the Google games - I was about to when they first started up, but it broke my Internet (possibly because of the fact it automatically enabled both video and voice chat, which probably just totally clogged up my connection and I couldn't see any way to turn it off before my Internet dropped out). Oh well, I have plenty to do, what with playing games, checking forums, and updating my website and stuff - maybe some day, though! :wink:

As Rich Burlew would say, "An entertaining defeat is better than a boring victory."