I assume when you run out of cards to draw then you are just out of cards to draw and the game continues with you having no deck?
I assume when you run out of cards to draw then you are just out of cards to draw and the game continues with you having no deck?
No. If you need to draw a card, if you need to discard a card from the deck, or if you need to play a card from the deck, then you shuffle that deck's trash back into the deck and continue.
For some reason that line was left out of the EE rulebook.
If you have no deck and at any time you need to draw a card, your trash gets shuffled into a new deck.
There are only 3 conditions where you automatically reshuffle your trash to make a new deck.
1) When you need to "Draw" and there are no cards to draw
2) When you need to "discard" from the top of the deck but no cards to discard
3) When you need to "play" the top card of the deck but have no cards
Any other time, you are left without a deck. This includes any time you would "reveal" cards from the top of a deck. If you are told to reveal cards and there are no more cards, then the action ends without a reshuffle.
Why wouldn't you reshuffle your deck when you need to draw a card and there are none left? Are there games where you can't?
I believe in Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic, you actually lose if you run out of deck...
Yeah in MtG, if you get decked, you lose. Back when I played at least (I quit competition play around the Urza's block for those interested), there were entire decks based around trying to deck your opponent to win.
Oh, man...I saw a Brainstorm deck once. Those things are intense. "Draw your deck. You lose."
Traumatize/Haunting Echoes
Does wonders when it works.
I think in Summoner Wars when you run out of your deck, you run out of cards.
In the old Decipher LotR game, when you ran out, you just didn't draw cards any more. Same in Netrunner as a Runner, the Corp loses from decking. MTG, Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon all have you lose when you fail to draw a card. It's actually probably more common in popular games than not.
Of course, most of those are CCGs, and I think in principle if you were worried about being decked you could build a bigger deck.
I've never played any of those games, which might be why I've not come across that particular mechanic before (actually, I have once - in an online card game I play regularly called Elements...I only play against AI though). Apart from playing a whole load of games with...erm..."traditional" (for want of a better word) cards whilst growing up, I didn't really start playing any Fantasy-type ones until a year ago, when I was introduced to Ascension, Chrononauts, Braggart, and of course Sentinels of the Multiverse at a gaming club. Ascension and Sentinels are the only ones where you have your own deck, and in both you reshuffle when it runs out.