Divine Sacrifice

So Fanatic's Divine Sacrifice: if she becomes incapacitated, does it keep redirecting to her, effectively negating the damage (until the start of her next turn), or does it stop once she flips?

It would stop once she flips

...because she's no longer a target at that point, as she has no hp.

... and all her cards are removed when she flips.

Wouldn't it be because she's flipped and all her cards are removed?

Guessing it was asked is because Divine Sacrifice is a One Shot.

"Fanatic Deals Up to 3 Targets 1 Irreducible Radiant Damage Each."

"Damage dealt by Those Targets is Redirected to Fanatic until the Start of your Next Turn."



I think that card is preceise enough it might actually redirect to Fanatic even if she is Incapped. Cause incapped Heroes still have their Start of Turn.

But can you redirect damage to non-targets? 

I'll like to point out that when Fanatic is Incapacitated that she is no longer "Fanatic" as her card has no name. So the damage would attempt to be redirected towards Fanatic, however it will fail and just follow it's original plan.

Wow. That’s deep. So when we get knocked down, we are no longer the same person.


Yeah, this is kind of what I was thinking when I questioned it at all: the fact that it was a one-shot and not an ongoing, and the fact that she still had a start of turn. But then "no longer a valid target" and "no longer named Fanatic" arguments both convince me.