Does end of turn happen if you skip your turn?

Title says it all.  If you skip your turn, do things that happen "at the end of your turn" still happen, or does that get skipped also?

If it's an involuntary start of turn action such as Demoralize, Cold Snap, or Impale, then I would say yes, they still happen, since they would go off before you would make the choice of skipping your turn. End of turn actions are a little trickier, but if your interpretation of the rules is that skipping your turn automatically takes you to the end of turn sequence, then yes End of turn actions such as Starshield necklace could still occur. I could be wrong on that, though.

Specifically, if Fanatic skips her turn to destroy a Meteor Storm, would she lose her Zealous Offense due to not dealing damage during her turn, or retain it by skipping the "end of turn"?

Not sure if that helps but that's what raised the question.

When you skip your turn, no end of turn actions occur.  So Fanatic would not have to destroy Zealous Offense if she skips her turn.

If she played a card like Prayer of Desperation which says to end your turn, then end of turn actions still occur, so Zealous Offensive would be destroyed (assuming she did not somehow get the damage dealt).

Here's the text from my Clarifications doc, which I got from official rulings elsewhere on the forums:

Skipping your turn
some cards offer players the chance to skip the rest of their turn in order to
invoke some effect (to destroy an environment card, for instance). skipping
your turn is not the same thing as skipping one of the phases on your turn.
when you skip your turn, you do not get to play a card, use a power, draw a
card, or have an end-of-turn phase. even though you didn’t play a card or
use a power, you do not get to draw an additional card since you’re skipping
the phase in which you get to draw any cards.

but what about your start-of-turn phase? in most cases, cards will say “at the
start of your turn, you may skip the rest of your turn to do xyz”. because
cards are activated in a phase in the order they were played, if you have other
cards with start-of-turn effects which were in play before the card which is
causing you to skip the rest of your turn, those start-of-turn effects will
happen first, then you’ll skip everything else.

you may not skip your turn just because you want to. skipping your turn is
only something you may do when a card gives you the option.

(sorry it's all lower-case.  The font I use is all-caps, so I tend to not bother to capitalize when I type stuff out)

That was my interpretation, but I wanted to be sure.

Thanks for the clarification.

Do we assume the same is true for cards that say "Immediately end your turn" like Fanatic's and [redacted]'s cards?  Do you still get your "end of turn phase" in that case?


I would say if it says to end your turn, you skip to the End phase. If it says skip your turn, you skip everything.