Environment/Villain combos.

On another thread, I jokingly suggested that absolute zero’s nemesis would be a bacteria that eats the rubber seals on his suit, but it got me too thinking…

Why not have a microscopic villain. This would require a villain environment pairing, but I think it d be fascinating. Have an environment like something out of Fantastic Voyage. It could be a battle with a micrsocopic nemesis in an environment that is a human body or on the rugged terrain of a laboratory after the hereos have been shrunk down to find the villain.

There are already examples of themed environments that mesh well witth villains, mars base and Voss, The Ennead and Tomb of Anubis, Rook city and the chairman, etc.

What aboutan environment that is tied to the villain?

Interesting idea, but I doubt it would work that well. It would basically mean that the villain could not be played on any other environment, which takes away from a lot of the selling point of the game that is its variety.

Although, a microscopic villain would be neat.

I love the idea of the microscopic plane… giant bacteria, amoebas, white blood cells… either in a human body, a petri dish or some giant living planet.

Why not a villain so huge that you it swallows the Earth and the heroes have to try and fight from the inside until it regurgitates it! You could face all kinds of alien immune system defences that way.

I don’t see why the original idea wouldn’t work, with some tweaking. Instead of it being a combination of villain and environment, the villain is part of the environment, a la the Temple we will be getting in August.

I kind of love this. Rather than having a villain as part of the environment, the villain is the environment. This gets me all excited.

Then which villain would a group face in addition to a fifteen card environment deck with a villain character card? It just seems like that deck would make the main villain a sidekick villain rather than an actual direct threat to the world.

“Oh no, Baron Blade is trying to use his Terralunar Impulsion Beam to pull the moon into the Earth! Also the Earth and the moon are inside Amoebax the Epidemic Extraordinaire. Why are we worried about the moon again? We’re all gonna die!”

Which idea are you responding to, mine or the OP’s?

If mine then Amoebax would be the villain, with his digestive system as the villain character card (and I was thinking of a giant amoeba when I posted!), the environment would just be where its regurgitation centre happens to be.

I think you’ll enjoy Akash’Bhuta. But would that entail both a villain deck and environment deck? That’d make that particular villain rather limited.

Yeah, I think Akash’Bhuta will be the new hot thing in terms of a villain working in tandem with an environment. I also think that a microscopic environment would be totally badass. AMOEBA ATTACK! lol

Sometimes I’ve seen particular villains really thrive in a certain environment… e.g. Omnitron in the Industrial Complex (trust me, it’s awesome) or The Organization in Rook City. I love it when things come together like that, it really emphasizes the thematic parts of this game in the way I think they were intended to. :slight_smile:

Yes it would be a little limiting, but to not do so in the name of variety also limiting (to game design space). The giant villain/miniaturized heroes concept has been around a long time and it would be a shame if it could not be implemented. Perhaps a compromise would be to have a size changing villain that would have it’s own environment deck for miniaturized combat, and it’s alternate card could be a normal sized villain that can use any environment deck.

I also fully support the giant space amoeba idea as well. Now where did Mr. Spock go with that shuttle craft?

Couldn’t this concept be implemented purely with the environment deck representing all of the characters shrinking down into a system of some kind? That way it’s appropriate to face the space amoeba there (like The Organization in Rook City or Grand Warlord Voss at the Wagner Mars Base) but not necessary. It would utilize your concept without pigeonholing one villain into one environment. A promo card that takes the shackles off of one’s pick of the environment isn’t so much enjoyable as it is permitting the players variety, which should be a given of the game rather than a privilege. The “regular things shrink down to tiny things” trope has been around for a long time, but the “small things grow really big” trope goes way back too. Besides, that way a group could fight a space amoeba in the amoeba size category as well as that of a kaiju monster wrecking Megalopolis.