Episode 83 of the Letters Page - OblivAeon Part 1 (spoiler discussion)

The opening song was Progeny’s theme.  Typically they’ve used it as the outtro music.  

The show notes do say this…

We jump right into the story, not wasting too much time messing around as we often do. And! You get to hear hints of some new music! What could this music be? Only time will tell.

The new music is much later on.  The music at the start was not new as that’s Progeny’s theme. 

No, I know Progeny’s music, I mean the stuff they used as the intro to the main discussion, not the show opening.  Sorry I wasn’t being clear.  I mean the real dark music with the creepy woodwinds and brass stabs.


I just assumed it was a teaser of Oblivaeon’s theme from the video game.

Something interested me in this episode: during the battle with Borr at Saint-Tropez, A and C evocate « several other europeans heroes »

We don’t know them, right ? Who can they be ?

You know, out of all the amazing information revealed in this episode, my brain would go and fixate on one incredibly trivial nitpick. When Chrono-Ranger is trapped in the past, they specifically say that he’s in Pompeii while the lava flows all around him. If A&C were history nerds, which I thought they were (or Christopher at least), they should realize that when Mount Vesuvius erupted, the lava flowed away from Pompeii and toward its sister city of Herculaneum. Pompeii is the more famous city because it wasn’t engulfed in lava (which would have destroyed all remains and left most of the ruins entombed in solid igneous rock, making an archaeological dig far more difficult); it was instead suffocated in thick layers of ash. Since being in Pompeii would have likely resulted in CR suffocating (and would definitely have looked different in the art, as he’d be buried in snow-like ash and be barely visible), he must in fact have been trapped in Herculaneum instead.

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Odds are good that the comic writer in the metaverse didn’t know that, either. :wink:

There are a lot of similar things in real comics, in addition to those in Sentinels Comics.

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It must be convenient for C&A to be able to blame their mistakes on an entire fictional universe full of nameless, faceless comic-industry goons. :slight_smile:

Of course, this might not have been a mistake, but an intentional “artistic” choice. Still bugs me either way though.