So I never noticed this before but there are some glowing doves in Expatriette's backgrounds that seem highly suspicious. They appear in the Flak Jacket, Assault Rifle, Hair Trigger and Quick Draw cards, possibly others that I missed. I know one of Expatriette's big story points is not having any powers, but I'm always suspicious of a superhero with massively powerful parents. who seems to have no superpowers. The doves are indistinct and ghostly, energy being white. Any chance you guys think that somehow this relates to Expatriette in some "power" or spiritual guide sort of manner, or just creepy stalker birds, or am I just reading way too much into this? Do these birds show up anywhere else that anyone has noticed?
Quick draw has some, Hair trigger reflexes does as well (edit - doh. apparently i cant read well at 3am :P)
and they are also featured on the sides of Pride and Predjucde, as part of the gun's decorations. So they are somsort of theme for her - what it means exactly, I'm not sure. But its well to note!
I always took it to be mostly a visual theme in her cards, but the idea that it's actually something real in the sentinels world is intriguing, especially because, as you say, expatriette is supposed to have no powers.
The real question is, can other's see the doves? Are they only something Expatriette can see, like a manifestation of her instincts/fighter spirit, or something? I always saw them as a reflection of Expatriette's inner focus. There are bullets flying everywhere, explosions going off, but she keeps her cool, and her thoughts are calm and peaceful. But if they are actually a real effect, then it might reflect some real power that no one can really see.
I always thought she was just a John Woo fan and carried doves around for effect every time she made an entrance.
Yep, John Woo-style reference, I always assumed.
If it is a representation of her inner self, then wouldn't that be a bit...ironic? Here is Expatriette who pumps bad guys full of lead for a living, while there, her inner self is a white dove, a sign of peace and prosperity.
Well, putting dove patterns on the handles of one's guns is already ironic for the exact reason you mentioned, putting a sign of piece and prosperity on a weapon of war.
I was thinking it shows how at peace she is internally with her role in the world. Yes, she kills people every day, but she accepts that what she does is necessary and beneficial to society, and feels no guilt for the lives she has to end in her work. Perhaps this makes Expatriette come across as mildly sociopathic, but still, I feel it gives a certain amount of insight into her character.
The actual doves flying around her are definitely a John Woo reference.
War is the Final step of Diplomacy
violence is often a tool to reach peace, that might be her philosophy - honestly without seeing her inner thought chatter in her comics, its impossible to know.
I suppose the doves could be a hallucination, or an aspect of her mental side that occurs when she thinks about her past.
I like the thought that its something watching over her, an angel or something that protects her in her mission to bring peace.
Doves are also a symbol of Hachiman, the Japanese god of war.
I've never heard of John Woo - I'd only noticed the doves on Pride and Prejudice and could only think that it might be a reference to the Red Dwarf episode "Gunmen of the Apocalypse" (though aspects of that episode are covered in one of the books as well).
Expatriette IS Citizen Dove!
Expatriette having a not-yet revealed power ? It's a GREAT idea.
Could there be some planned big reveal in the future ? An expansion where Citizen Dawn dies/retires, and "Citizen Dove" takes her place - either becoming a new villain, or a "team deck" hero of Citizens fighting the good fight ? It would be fun!
Highly unlikely--Expatriette doesn't seem like the kind of character that will turn evil. Yeah, she's a renegade, but usually they're the ones who...
(Oh God, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to say, but this is the saying that came to my mind so I have to use it...)
...Stick to their guns...
(Again, sorry...)
...about which side they're on. Legacy turning evil--while still a huge shock--was a little more expected because it's people like him who are "lawful good" that fall the hardest when they befall a horrible tradegy. If their world gets turned upside down, so do they.
However, I'd classify Expatriette as "chaotic neutral." For sure, Expatriette is crazy and probably has some serious bloodlust, but she knows that's who she is and how she can keep it in check to keep herself safe. She might help the other heroes, but she isn't--nor will she ever be--one of them. Same goes for her and the Citizens: she will never be evil like them, but since she grew up with the Citizens and their ways, she can't help but to love fighting and relish violence. She's bloodthirsty, basically. But not to the point of insanity and certainly not enough to go evil.
Plus, this game already has a hero-turned-villain character, so it's highly likely they won't do that again. They said they never want to repeat an idea, and another hero going evil would fly too close.
Expatriette would do anything for doves, but she won't do that.
Strong work, everyone.
Oh my god Christopher... that is almost as bad as [Redacted] ....
Yes, I found something interesting and clue worthy