ExPatriette: Unload, Pride & Prejudice

Expatriette's power is "Use this power to play one card"

Unload says "This turn, you may use as many powers as you have guns in play"

Pride says "POWER: Expatriette deals 1 target 2 projectile damage. If "Prejudice" is in play, you may use its power."

Prejudice says "POWER: Expatriette deals 1 target 2 projectile damage."


On her turn, Expatriette had no "Start of play actions"

Expatriette played Unload in her play phase. She now has two powers.

She chose to use Pride's power to deal 1 target 2 damage and use Prejudice's power to deal 1 target 2 damage.

She still had one more power.

We ruled that she could NOT then use Prejudice's power. The argument was that she used Pride's Power as activated both guns, did that count as using Prejudice's power, since she didn't actually spend one of her 'Power' actions.

Expatriette then played a card from her hand and ended her turn.


Would folks agree that we ruled this one correctly?

I would agree with this interrpretation


perfectly handled.

Correct, you cannot use the same power twice in a round regardless of how it is activated. 

You would also need to use your first power to play a card, since you would of used two powers when using Pride and Prejudice. Much like when Mr. Fixer has another power (probably a Treasure in Tomb of Anubis) and plays a Overdrive. he would first use the Treasure he has and then follow with the double strike, as if he would of used a strike first it would of counted to using a power.

But using Prejudice's power is part of using Pride's power...so you'd still have a spare power in order to use Load.

yeah, I figured using Pride gives you an additional power, with which to use predjudice.

I agree with this.

Since Expatriette has two guns in play, Unload allows her to use two powers.

Pride says "POWER: Expatriette deals 1 target 2 projectile damage. If "Prejudice" is in play, you may use its power."

So, if Expatriette first uses Pride and then uses Prejudice, then she has satisfied both Unload (use two powers) and Pride (use Prejudice's power), and has no more powers left that she can use, so doesn't get to user her base power to play another card.

If, however, Expatriette first uses her base power to play a card, then when she uses Pride and it says she may use Prejudice, there's nothing stopping her from doing so, even though it is her third power.

To be precise, it's once per turn, not once per round. If you have an abilty that lets another hero activate a power on your turn (e.g. Argent Adept or an incapacitated power) they can activate a power that they already activaed on their turn.
