Fanatic is unique in being the only hero whose power deals 2 types of damage. Is this meant to be a double-attack? IE: Are these applied individually, or at the same time? For example, if under the effect of Inspirational Presence, Her damage from Exorcism is… 1 melee [+1 Inspirational Presence] + 1 radiant [+1 Inspirational Presence] for a total of 4 damage, or is it 1 melee +1 radiant + 1 Inspirational Presence for a total of 3 damage? Similarly, is her attack with this power reduced twice for anything that makes villain cards take less damage (gene-bound guard, etc). Is it perhaps different for different cards (that have similar effects)? To name a few, Inspiring Presence, Imbue Fire, Twist the Ether, or Obsidian Field.
Edit: To put it another, maybe clearer way… Inspiring Presence says it increases damage dealt by heroes by 1. Does it increase the both Melee and the radiant damage, or does it just increase the damage of the Power when taken as a whole?
The damage is intended to be dealt individually. This means if it’s increased, both melee and radiant are increased by 1 separately, and the same goes for when it’s decreased. A base reduction of -1 will make her do no damage at all, but a +1 will double her output. It essentially makes damage modifiers into multipliers for her innate power, which is in keeping with Fanatic being a high-risk/high-reward character.
That brings up the question about Imbue Fire, it changes all damage dealt by Heroes to fire and increases it by one, so Fanatic’s Melee and Radiant damage would be fire, so would it still be one fire damage and one fire damage, increasing both by one each causing the total damage be four fire damage, or since it is now both the same type would it then be two fire damage and thus only being increased by one being only three?