Though heroes like Haka, Tempest and Legacy are really good, and can be necessary to win, the three i chose I enjoy the mnechanics. The quick card play, and doing many things at once
What about Wraith, then? Surely she ranks alongside Tempest as being able to do loads of stuff and get set up fairly quickly? Plus she can do deck control which is always helpful :D.
Absolutely. I don't dislike Wraith, and her Batmanesque style of "I have a thing to handle every scenario" is perfectly done, I just prefer the 3 i mentioned more. I played a game where we had Legacy, Wraith and Nightmist. We dominated. It was amazing. There's just something about her that seems to be missing something to make her qualify in my top 3.
Fair enough. She's probably one of my favourites. Good damage, good utility, good stuff in general :). I do enjoy the arse-kicking the two of us give when we play Ra and Legacy though. I felt like we were being horribly unfair to Akash'Bhuta the other day, the thrashing we gave her when we fought in Insula Primalis and at one point had all three Obsidian Fields out alongside all the damage buffs it was possible to get from both Legacy and Ra at the same time. She played her "destroy all environment cards" card about a turn later, but it was epic while it lasted :D.
Muahaha yes, the burning is fun :D. In that game I just mentioned, I ended up with nearly all of my deck out - I'd been playing Living Conflagration's power pretty much every turn in order to draw a card (and still doing about seven damage with the nuke due to damage buffs :D), in order to get out as many Ongoings as possible (and have as many spare Staves of Ra in-hand as I could get...which was very quickly "all of them") just in case Akash'Bhuta decided to play that card where you have to lose H ongoings between you. Can't remember whether that's Rejuvenating Entropy or the other one - one does ongoings, the other does equipment. Either way, we wouldn't have done too badly as we both had spare cards. It was a bit of a shame when she nuked all of the Obsidian Fields ("Disrupt the Field", I think) but we still kicked her arse handily and both ended the game with over 20hp each (Legacy's Motivational Charges helped with that) :D.
FOr my Akash game I had Nightmist, Legacy and Wraith. Will + X to damage. So, when Wraith hits 2 targets, she shot niightmist, who redirected that (+3 damage) to deal another + 3 damage. Galvanzie, the ongoing that increases damage, targeting sensors, and nightmists signet is essentially a crazy amount of damage.
Yeah, Nightmist is cool for damage, though I tend to hurt stuff by using the Amulet to redirect damage when things try to hit me. Also when I use Oblivion, unless it's only one or two damage on the first card, I'll redirect the bit that would hit me onto another target. I don't actually use the Ring that often, since I like to use Investigate to get my cards out, and of course I'll be doing myself extra damage from that with the +1 from the ring. The way I play Nightmist, I don't really take much advantage of damage buffs. I tend to focus more on deck control and on getting cards out in order to achieve that. And to redirect stuff. And to heal off the Starshield Necklace if I don't have Master of Magic out yet. I suppose, basically, my tactic with Nightmist is to get as many cards as possible in my hand, but not so many that I can't look at the top couple from my deck when using stuff like Oblivion or Heedless Lash. That and get the Amulet and Necklace into play, and Astral Premonition. Pretty much everything else is there to be discarded when using stuff like the Necklace, Mistbound, etc.
My problem with Bunker is that you often get in situations where the best thing to do is *really* boring. Just going into turret mode and use the same limited set of powers every turn.. meh. Still, he can be fun, if you get several mode cards to play around with. I've been considering an alternative way to play him, where you remove the modes from his deck and replace his base power with a mandatory choice between modes every turn.
Redirection with Amulet of the Elder Gods do not double the buff the damage redirected. So, Wraith deals say 1+3=4 damage to Nightmist, Nightmist discards 2 cards and redirect the 4 dmg to villain target.
Isothermic Transducer do that because AZ takes the damage first then deals another instance of damage.
Although he could have meant: Hit Akash'Bhua and one other target then hit Nightmist who redirects to an already hit target, effecitvely hitting them twice.
I essentially hit Akash twice using the redirect. I might ahve misread the Elder Gods Amulet and whether it says "Nightmist" deals the damage or if its the damage is "redirected". If it's the former then any damage boost nightmist gets, gets applied to the redirect, potherwise it doesn't/. ANywaus tis is getting off topic. I apologize.
The ring increases the damage that Nightmist deals. Redirection only changes the target, it does not alter the source, so, since Nightmist is redirecting damage that is about to be dealt to her, if she wasn't dealing herself damage, she is not the source, and thus her damage modifiers do not apply.
Haka: He just seems like he is really having fun every battle.
Nightmist: I really like the little gambling sub-game that goes with her mechanic.
Absolute Zero: His whole mechanic is one big gamble... but it feels so good when it works. He really just feels like he is going all in every battle.
Favorite Villains:
Citizen Dawn: I actually kind of wish shed have a playable deck. She doesn't seem quite so evil... I could see her working with the heroes to stop some of the other villains.
The sandwich one is Haka of Shielding - Haka of Restoration has him standing against a green background. Someone's got a made-up quote from the sandwich scene as their forum sig :D.