First-time player with a question

Hey Everyone,

First off, I want to say that I'm enjoying SotM very much. There was a question I had about the hero phase that I hope someone can clarify for me. The instructions say you can play a card, play a power and draw a card. When you play a card or a power, can you only play 1 card and 1 power per turn? And do you have to choose between playing a card OR playing a power per turn?  It's my understanding also that the turn ends when you draw a card, but if you don't use a power or play a card, you get to draw a second card. 

I hope I didn't confuse anyone with my questions and hope to have this resolved. Thanks in advance!

You can do all three things, so yes you can play a card, then use a power (even a power shown on the card you just played).

Only one card may be played and one power may be used unless you've got an ability in play that let's you do more. 

Yes, if you haven't done the other two steps (play a card, use a power), then you can draw two cards. This can happen if you've chosen not to play/use (maybe because you've got nothing good you want to do) or if some other effect has stopped you from plaing/using. 

Awesome, thank you for clarifying that for me. Also a follow up (sorry for all the questions) when you place a card in the play area, is there a limit to however many you have? And also I'm assuming if they're in the play area, you can select from any of those to play or use an ability indicated on the cards OR use the ability on your hero's card? I'm probably making the game more complicated in my head than it really is, so i apologize.

You can only have one copy of each card with the Limited keyword in play but apart from that there is no limit. Nor is there a theoretical limit on handsize.


If the card has Power on it, you can only use 1 power per turn, unless you've got cards saying otherwise, but that can be any power you have in play, inlcuding your hero card power. If the card is not a power, you get the benefits all the time, i.e. you don't have to choose to activate Inspiring Presence, it's just there.

There is a limit on some cards, but not all.   Any card that is tagged as LIMITED, means you can only have one of that particular card out at any given time.  However, for cards that are not tagged as Limited, you can have multiple copies out at once if  you want.   If you grab Absolute Zero's deck as an example,  you'll notice that Isothermic Transducer is tagged as limited,  so he can only have 1 out at a time, even though he has multiple copies in his deck.   The card Impale, however, is not tagged as limited, so he can have out multiple copies at the same time.


Players have a choice of any powers that are available (in the play area as you put it) during their power phase.   This includes the 'basic' power listed on the character card, which should more or less always be available to the Hero.    After a few plays, the mechanics will start to become pretty clear.   If not, tons of people on the boards are happy to answer questions.  welcome to the game, btw.




Edit:   Yeah, what pwatson said ^^ =p.   ninja'd

Thanks for all your help guys! In case I don't post before then, happy international table top day! (March 30th just in case nobody knew)

But there is a theoretical limit on hand size.  Hand size is currently limited to 40 cards.

No, that's a pracital limit on handsize. ;-) There is nothing in the rules that restricts handsize, so no theoretical limit. If, somehow, a player manages to acquire even more cards for his deck, the handsize will not be artificially limited to 40.