And now, after all that team-ery, here’s a solo villain for a change of pace.
Lord Vulcanus
Alias: Count Magnus Sethlans
Approach: Bully
Archetype: Legion
Health: 20 + ( × 5)
Magmarian Control
Domineering Will
Status: Magmarian minions
9+ minions
5-8 minions
3-4 minions
1-2 minions
0 minions
Arrogant Ego (A): Boost yourself using Presence. If there are any heroes with their Health in the Yellow zone, use your Mid+Min dice. If there are any heroes with their Health in the Red zone, use your Max+Mid+Min dice.
- Incomplete Control (I): Whenever multiple of your Magmarian minions all take the same action against the same target, you must roll all of their dice at the same time and use the lowest rolling die amongst them for each minion’s result on that action.
Pyroclastic Gout (A): Attack using Magma and use your Max die. Defend against all Attacks from that target using your Mid die until the start of your next turn.
Steal Essence (A): Remove any number of your Magmarian minions. Roll their dice and Recover that much Health.
- Summon Servitors (A): Add two Magmarian minions of size equal to one die size lower than your current status.
- (U) Empowered Thralls (A): Choose one group of your Magmarian minions in the scene. Upgrade all their dice one size (maximum
). (When using this upgrade, Lord Vulcanus has 5 additional Health.)
(M) Master of Enforced Order (I): If you have complete control over your immediate surroundings, automatically succeed in an Overcome to organize rabble to accomplish a task.
Lord Vulcanus
Alias: Count Magnus Sethlans
Gender: Male
Age: 40s
Height: 5’9"
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Black
Skin: Light
Build: Staunch
Costume/Equipment: A bright-red set of fine, old-fashioned nobleman’s clothes, including breeches, a coat, and a bright-orange cravat. His Sceptre of Vulcan is wrought from black iron and surmounted by a glowing orange crystal.
Approach: Bully
Archetype: Legion
Magnus Sethlans was born to an incredibly wealthy family. At a young age, though, his parents taught him a very important lesson: riches alone would not guarantee people’s obedience—for that one must assert a dominating presence and rule through fear. Magnus took their teachings to heart and cultivated his force of personality till he possessed indomitable willpower. Thus Magnus Sethlans became a respected member of high society, even after his parents’ deaths. More recently when Count Sethlans was travelling through Europe, he discovered a ruined shrine dedicated to the ancient Roman God of Fire, Vulcan, on a small island near Sicily called Vulcano. Inside the shrine, he uncovered an ancient artefact of great power. Soon after he clutched the item, several Magmarians rose up from underground. Count Magnus Sethlans soon learned that the relic gave him dominion over the molten creatures. Now, with the control of these fiery underlings, Lord Vulcanus no longer needed to be satisfied with the power his heritage and his presence could afford him, for he could seize whatever he wanted!
Capabilities and Motivations
The Sceptre of Vulcan gives Lord Vulcanus mental control of all Magmarians near him, and the ability to send out a signal that can reach all the way down to the subterranean realm of Magmaria to summon Magmarians to him. The relic also enables him to melt stone into lava or magma and then manipulate the resulting material, which can provide an effective offensive attack. Further, the Lord’s force of personality is immense, and he is very adept at intimating, persuading, and leading others. He’s also learnèd in history, and skilled at discerning the emotional states of others.
Lord Vulcanus has ownership of his family’s hereditary manor, which coincidentally happens to be perched on the edge of an active volcano. And in addition to his Magmarian thralls, Count Magnus Sethlans certainly has the means to hire mundane muscle on occasion.
The plots of Lord Vulcanus vary; sometimes they consist of acquiring more wealth or burgling rare art objects, while other times they entail seizing control of entire cities or even larger areas, or perhaps simply retaliating at an upper-class acquaintance who slighted him in the past.
Occasionally, Lord Vulcanus can channel even more of the sceptre’s power into his Magmarian minions, greatly increasing their potency and strength.
Editor’s Notes
Ya know, I don’t think it’s ever really established where or what Magnus Sethlans is “Count” of. (Presumably if he was asked what he’s Lord of, he’d say something like "The entire world is my domain!")
His surname comes from Vulcan’s Etruscan counterpart.
I seriously considered listing his Magma power as Magma / Lava, simply to satisfy geology pedants, before deciding against it. : ) His Magmarian Control power is simply a more narrow version of the Suggestion psychic power.
See pages 411-412 and 426-427 of the core rulebook for more information on Magmarians, their home of Magmaria, and their minion stats. Magmarians added to the scene by Lord Vulcanus’s Summon Servitors ability will probably be Inner Core Tunnelers or Crystal Collectors, while those acting as scene elements can also be Seismic Defenders or Ember Shamans.