Sirrush the Warrior
“Ha ha ha! Your puny weapons can do nothing against the might of Sirrush!”
Alias: The Destroyer of Sumer
Approach: Specialized
Archetype: Bruiser
Health: 40 + ( × 5)
The Blade of Ninazu
Close Combat
Otherworldly Mythos
Warrior Spirit
Status: Health
(See page 239 of the Core Rulebook to determine Sirrush the Warrior’s GYRO zones based on his Health and the value of .)
Battle Incarnate (R): Defend against an Attack where you’re the only target by rolling your single Warrior Spirit die. One other nearby target takes an amount of damage equal to the damage reduced.
Primordial Cleave (A): Attack using Close Combat against one target with your Max die, another with your Mid die, and a third with your Min die.
- Relentless Ravaging (I): Whenever you Attack a target that you have dealt damage to at least once already in this scene, gain a +1 persistent and exclusive bonus against that target.
Thrive on Battle (R): When Attacked, use the amount of damage taken by the Attack to Boost yourself.
Warrior’s Strike (A): Attack using The Blade of Ninazu. If you are Green status, use your Max die. If you are Yellow status, use the Max+Min dice. If you are Red status, use Max+Min against one target and Mid against another.
- (U)
Ancient Fighter (I): When you take an action that lets you make an Attack, also make an Attack using your Mid die. (When using this upgrade, Sirrush the Warrior has 20 additional Health.)
- (M)
Master of Annihilation (I): If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome where a show of overwhelming force can solve the problem.
Sirrush the Warrior
Alias: The Destroyer of Sumer
Gender: Male
Age: 8,000 years
Height: 8’2"
Eyes: Solid orange
Hair: None
Skin: Varies from blue, to purple, to red
Build: Massively muscular
Costume/Equipment: A brown skirt with blue and red detailing is the only clothing that Sirrush wears. The Blade of Ninazu is a bronze scimitar set with crimson gemstones in the handle.
Approach: Specialized
Archetype: Bruiser
Sirrush the Warrior is an ancient battle-spirit that hails from the earliest human civilisations of Mesopotamia. Not even the most learned of sages know his origin, though several possible explanations have been offered; he could be an otherworldly daemon or a once-mortal warrior; he could have been a servant of a war god such as Nergal or Ishtar, or the creation of a powerful mortal mage. But what is known is that Sirrush is a being of battle incarnate. He is also effectively immortal; he does not age, and on the rare occasions when when his physical form is somehow destroyed, his essence retreats back into his weapon, the Blade of Ninazu. Then, the next time the sword is touched by a living being, Sirrush consumes that being’s lifeforce (slaying it in the process) and uses the energy to recreate his form.
Thusly, Sirrush has existed throughout most of human history. In his lifetime, he’s fought countless foes, including Mongols, samurai, centurions, an immortal Maori, knights, and modern-day superhuman champions. He’s also taken part in numerous wars, including the Crusades, the Hundred Years War, the World Wars, and the Thorathian Invasion of Earth.
Capabilities and Motivations
As Sirrush is a being whose very essence is conflict, it is difficult to defeat him with physical violence alone. The more that Sirrush is attacked, the stronger he becomes. If he’s damaged enough, he can destroyed, but not before gravely wounding his foes. Finding a way to mystically trap his essence in his blade, or restrain him in some other way, are always viable alternatives.
Sirrush’s Blade of Ninazu is a vicious weapon in his hands, able of cleaving through stone, steel, and durasteel with equal ease. Sirrush’s durability is also remarkable, as it takes a very significant amount of force to vanquish him. Further, Sirrush is a master combatant, having millennia of experience in battle — his skill is almost unparalleled in this field. Also, Sirrush seems to possess knowledge of otherworldly planes and powerful magical beings.
Sirrush’s hide’s default colouration is that of a dark azure. However, when he becomes more wounded in battle (and thus more powerful), his skin shifts to a purple colour. Finally, when he is at his most damaged and most powerful, his hide becomes a menacing crimson hue.
Sirrush the Warrior’s motives have never been entirely clear. All that is known is that his only goal seems to be to fight. To what ends, though, it is likely only he knows.
As mentioned, Sirrush the Warrior is a paragon of battle. When he strikes, he strikes hard, and fast, and with singularly unstoppable might.
Editor’s Notes
The name of “Sirrush” comes from Mesopotamian mythology, as does “Ninazu.” However, as is often done in comics, those actual mythological beings have practically nothing in common with this character here; the names have just been ripped by a comic writer.
The genesis of this guy came from a pretty simple seed of an idea — some kind of daemon-monster thing that gets stronger the more you fight it. The Bruiser Archetype — and the Thrive on Battle / Bring It On! ability specifically — are both really great for this kind of thing. And he’s Specialized because he’s just really good at fighting.
Although Sirrush’s description mentions some things specific to the Sentinel Comics Universe — such as Haka, Thorathians, and durasteel — he can of course be used in your homemade setting with no difficulty.