Future of Expansion Releases

I know that Rook City is still a few months away and there is much to do in the meantime for >G, but I was just wondering how you as a company felt that Kickstarter worked for you getting ready for Rook City. Can we expect Kickstarter as the tool to see future expansions come to be?

And also, what kind of timetable are you hoping for between expansions? 6 months, 9 months, 12 months?

I don’t mean to jump the gun with these questions, I know Rook City isn’t even here yet. I’m just interested in your hoped for schedule for continued expansion of the game.

We will definitely be using kickstarter for future expansions and other games. We are still working on our schedule, and it will depend a great deal on continued sales of the SotM core game as well as Rook City. However, we would like to (if possible) do a release every 6-9 months; we certainly have enough ideas and plans to sustain that for quite a while if the market allows!

6-9 months… Then I’m looking forward to the next expansion to be ready for Christmas 2012! :smiley:

Even without RC, and after only 2 games, I eagerly await future expansions. This one will have legs for my gaming group I think.

On the subject of expansions, what about introducing a mechanism for competitive play at some point? Using the same heroes, but perhaps some kind of other modification, or even solo-mode Villains? Like super-heroes as the stars in their own solo books, with some kind of individual scoring mechanism?

Thanks for the response…you’ll have to give a heads up on when a next kickstarter campaign will be coming…my board game budget is tight but right now anything Sentinels of the Multiverse is at the top of the list. I’m just loving the game since getting it in early december from the kickstarter. I’m excited for Rook City and your other future releases as well.

I believe you’ve previously stated you plan to stick to the 2 hero, 4 villian, 2 environment pattern for your expansions (possibly with accompanying promos like the alternate wraith?) I believe you’ve also previously mentioned hoping for more advanced releases of Baron Blade and Omnitron (too bad we didn’t make Baron Blade’s alternate as part of the rook city kickstart) Would these be as part of the 4 villains in an expansion or as promos?

I just want to be sure not to miss anything!

Thanks for a great game.

If things continue moving according to plan, Baron Blade and Omnitron should make appearances later this year.

I am, perhaps unreasonably, super excited for a new Omnitron. I love a lot of Omitron’s mechanics and am just itching for it to be a little bit harder. Plus, story-wise, there are just so many directions one could go with Omintron since its back-story is probably the least fleshed out. I also want to see its nemesis, but I figure there are a number of expansions to go before that comes around.

So it may be a little too soon in the game to ask this, but I’ll do it anyway. Do you guys have any plans in the distant future to release a “Definitive Verstion”?

I love how much time you guys spend on this game and it’s expansion(s) and how you help answer fans questions. I also like how you take feedback well and incorporate new ideas (like the H mechanic for balancing). My question I guess is if you plan to release a very later on that incorporates your new ideas (like the H mechanic) into all the cards, including the base game and then release it as one big box set or something of the like.


dedlius – I’m guessing your question will be answered on about Tue …

This seems like as good a place to raise this issue as anywhere (it was raised once before by someone else but I can’t find that topic). It’s about the difficulty of new villains. I understand from most of the chatter on the forums that people want/need tougher villains. People seem to not be able to get their fix anymore unless they’re playing on Advanced with one hand tied behind their back. However, not everyone is in that boat. Given the fact that my gaming group consists of my wife and daughter who aren’t in any way interested in using their gaming night banging their heads against nigh-indefeatable villains like The Chairman, I can safely say that The Chairman isn’t likely to ever be taken out of the box at our household. And it’s a fight to get them to agree to take on The Matriarch (which usually ends poorly too).

I just want to make sure that the voice of those who have a good time fighting Baron Blade and Omnitron and who find Citizen Dawn to still be quite a challenge gets heard, and that not every new villain is tuned to be the top of the scale difficulty-wise. I’m hoping that at least one or two of the new expansion’s villains can be beaten by a group who’s only interested in some light fun for an evening.

Thank you for listening to my plea.

I think you will be pleased with what we did with Infernal Relics villains.

And the Enhanced Edition.

And other things.

Long and short of it is this: we hear you. We hear all of you. We hear the Advanced, one-handed, blindfolded players, and we hear the people that want a super casual game, and everyone in between.

And we’re going to do everything we can to please everyone.


I do agree with Spiff as well. The group usually play with are my wife and two younger sisters. That’s not counting how often I tend to play all by my lonesome. So the super tough villians can get troublesome (my youngest sister is ten) and during times when I play solo it can get slightly annoying keeping track of four heroes, the villian, and environment. So glad to hear that if Spiff will be pleased with Infernal Relic’s villians then I should be as well.

There’s an Enhanced Edition?
Nice teasing there.

It’s mentioned in the Kickstarter. The Enhanced edition is of the Core game only – errata, typo fixes, scaling, some new art (I think).

Oh, well silly me for not checking everything out then, heheh.

Oooooh. With the release of the stretch rewards, I noticed a pattern. With Rook City, Wraith got her nemesis, and she got an alternate version. With Infernal Relics, Chris stated Ra and Fanatic would get their nemeses, and they will get alternate versions as stretch rewards. Is this a pattern of “get your nemesis, get another version?” It didn’t happen with Tachyon (yet), so my observation isn’t fool-proof, but it’s interesting all the same.

Don’t forget Tempest has a nemesis and no Promo Card, granted his wasn’t on kickstarter either.

The Chrono Ranger and promo Visionary will probably be in the same expansion in the future.

Yeah, I wouldn’t find it hard to believe at all that Visionary’s nemesis would be in the same set with the Chrono-Ranger, given her background.

Chrono Ranger and Visionary in the same expansion eh?

Chrono Ranger - The Time Traveling Sheriff

Perhaps he is Plague Rat’s nemesis because in one possible future Plague Rat infects the entire world with his disease and so Chrono Ranger has to go back in time and stop him before the outbreak of this pandemic!