Is there a particular thread for discussing the potential villians I suspect are coming, mostly from card art though there is "one" from car text?
Also, is it, "appropriate" to discuss this, or should I just sit, wait, and see if I'm right?
Is there a particular thread for discussing the potential villians I suspect are coming, mostly from card art though there is "one" from car text?
Also, is it, "appropriate" to discuss this, or should I just sit, wait, and see if I'm right?
There's threads all over the place with people theorising and conjecturing on what they think might happen in the future - I'm sure the Greater Than Games guys just sit back and enjoy all the…oh arse I've forgotten the word…you know, when fans are discussing all the little hints that have been dropped during a series and trying to work out if they are hints and what they might mean and stuff. I bet I remember what that word is right after I push the Send button…
But anyway, yeah, don't worry about it - if you have any thoughts as to what some mysterious feature of a card's art might mean, go ahead and we can all jump on it and discuss it ;).
I bought the original SotM and have picked up everything since. One of the best parts of the game is the character speculation. My question is, 10 years from now when SotM is done and you can buy everytihng at once, will the game be the same? Did anyone who came late to the party purposely not buy everytihng in order to keep this aspect?
Okay, here are some things I'm about 90% certain of.
There will be an enemy who is either a chinese sorcerer, a dragon, or both, and he will have ninja minions. He is also likely to be Mr. Fixer's second nemesis since most of these cards are drawn from his deck (Pipe Wrench, Overdrive, Grease Gun). Liquid silver guy from Expatt's Hollow points might be involved, or he might be a seperate group. Another magic user on NightMist's heedless lash. The Sorcerer on Pipe Wrench is also one of the group standing in Miss Information's Isolated Hero, along with Ermine, a white-haired dude, and the lava enemy mentioned below
We'll have an enemy who is a lava based villian. This guy shows up on a lot of cards (Unity's powered shockwave,Rook City's Scum and villany, Haka's Haka of Battle, and Iron Legacy's Demoralizing Prescence ) and I believe that might be one of his minions, or maybe a flipside on Unity's volatile parts.
There will be an enemy group of F.I.L.T.E.R. or a similiar agency, Omnitron X's Defensive Blast, AA's Syncopated onslaught, and Visionary' Cerebral Hemorrhage are the card images, but what really tipped me off was the effect of the F.I.L.T.E.R. spy in the Time Cataclysm. He only hits non-agents, and other than the Block environment there are no other agent cards. A villian who is an Agent or who runs the Agency would seem inevitable then.
Chrono-Ranger obviously gives us a monstrous cowboy, but he could just be a minion. More interesting to me is the group shown on "The Whole Gang". They, for some reason, seem the most likely suspects for Tachyon's incapacitated side. At the very least, the one in the Professor X style wheel chair has me nervous already
Some stone enemy is shown on Visionary's Precognotion and Nightmist's Mists of Time. Looking at his spikes he is probably also the villian in Omnitron X's Reset card. Going off the the prison line in Precognition I'd say a conqueror similiar to Voss? This is not Granite Oni from The Dreamer's deck.
Finally we will have some "cosmic Force" shown on Nightmist's mists of Time, referenced in Galatic mnitron's backstory and also referenced by the wall on the Time Crazed prisoner card from the Block. How this interacts with fixed point is also interesting if you read all the notes on the wall
I saw a few potenial heroes and environments as well, but this is already a sizable post
There's also that guy with the electric red tentacle arm things - he's attacking Visionary's Decoy Projection and I think is on one or two other cards as well..."Diplomatic" Envoy in Miss Information's deck, I think.
The stone figure in Precognition and Master of Time is something I have always thought to of been a stone statues that Voss had erected during a time-line where Voss has succeded in taking over the earth and has captured everyone and they may be on their way to become one of his Gene-Bound minions.
The thing about Time Cataclysm, even though it could in fact be a deck that will have agents which would be really cool, but it looks to me that they are mostly keeping in theme with the environment deck that "originate" from. F.I.L.T.E.R. Spy has his agent keyword and only deals damage to agents. There is also the Passing Tumbleweed that has the Cover keyword. Anything with a target shares the same icon as another environment deck. Don't get me wrong, I am totally excited for a F.I.L.T.E.R. villian deck to be made, but there is that chance it is just worded the way it is to keep the flavor.
The "Whole Gang" bounty is a card that got me super excited about seeing it. Considering that it, "No Executions", and "Dead or Alive" (also on Terrible Tech-strike) are the only ones that are not currently character cards and not even seen in any other decks is very interesting. The thing that has me most interested in is how the bounty actually works. The title works for the character it shows. "The Ultimate Target" Chrono-Ranger's nemesis, so obviously he is the Ultimate. "Kill on Sight" Ambuscade is someone you want to kill fast as you don't know when he'll go invisible, though the effect of the card isn't something you would play on him but he has plenty of targets you can attach it too. "By Any Means" Akash'Bhuta is dealt so much damage from destroying limbs that is fits perfectly. "No Executions" may be Truth, and seeing the effect of it putting him on the bottom makes perfect since, as you don't want to risk him coming back with Return with the Dawn. The "No Executions" we don't know much about, but seeing as it heals while it is in play then gives a card upon destruction we can guess that it is probably going to be a fairly tough minion or environment target. So with the "Whole Gang" I am starting to think that they may be minions of some sort or one of them is the leader (Prof. X chicky most likely) inside of a future villian deck. Due to the look of them makes me curious what they have instore, i'm almost excited for this bunch as I was when I first seen Iron Legacy on Visionary's card.
I don't think he is a lave dude I think he is like nuclear energy or something and I think he will be unitys nemesis but really I have no idea just throwing out ideas. I def think the lava dude on unitys card is a minion not a villian.
There's also this "other Legacy" in Thokk! that no one talks about much.
Pretty sure that's Dark Hero from The Dreamer's deck.
I think those might be two different beings. The guy attacking Visionaries decoy seems to be using chains that are channeling electricity. There are a few figures I've seen with chains that might match. The Diplomatic envoy is more likely to be metalmouth from Expatt's Hollow points card, though I obviously can't be certain
Just my two cents to this thread, but maybe eventually the dev team will take a stab at the time-honored "Mirror Universe" idea? One of my personal favorite concepts was the "Crime Syndicate of America" from the DC line of comics, where the Justice League are now the key villains - more to the point, they also have all the competence of the heroes from the original timeline, so the heroes of their setting get trounced often. (A heroic Baron Blade would be something of a trip, though...)
An evil Freedom Five (Fearsome Five? Ferocious Five? F<insert adjective here> Five?) would probably be scary both in story and gameplay terms; how bad would it be to have villain versions of some player abilities and decks turned against you?
Well, they have lightly done this with Iron Legacy haven't they? They might do a team of evil heroes, but it doesn't feel that way. I think they were going to do anymore they would have done them at the same time, but I base this on nothing but a sleep deprived intuition, so who knows.
Ah, fair enough. I only have the base game, so I wasn't aware of Iron Legacy. Whoops.
Still playing through the base, so it may be awhile before I get to the expansions.
I just had a thought, and this seems like a good place to put it.
I was on seperate site which was laying out Sentinels of the Multiverse, a "comprehensive" listing of things for new players to look at, and they listed Baron Blade as a villian in the vengeance set. This seems odd to me, would they really release a 3rd version of Baron Blade for people to fight? That would mean the entire expansion of 5 villains would be Ermine, Friction, Fright Train, Proletarite, and Baron Blade.
So here's some questions for the wisdom of the board to mull over. Do you really think we'll get a whole new version of Baron Blade, tougher than ever, or do you think there will be an as of yet unnannounced villain. As a corollary, what are the chances the Vengeful Five listed above are actually one villain deck, similiar to the Ennead, and that we have 4 villains and five heroes coming down the pipe that we have no knowledge of?
There's been plenty of speculation here on how it will work. One of the theories (and the one which I like the most) is that the 5 villains will be, as you mentioned, Baron Blade, Fright Train, Ermine, Friction, and Proletariat, but they will act as one unit with the nber of heroes, H, will dictate how many of the Vengeance villains will be in play as well.
Again, this is all simply conjecture as there has been nothing revealed regarding how the decks will actually work.
I won't mind fighting Baron Blade again if he's got some cool new deck mechanic.
From what info has been officially released, it sounds like the 5 villains will each have their own deck, and that you will fight a team of them (more than likely it will be select H villain decks for their team).
If that does turn out to be the case, I could see future villains either falling into the standard villain format or into a "Vengence" format, where you would plug more modual decks into the villain team. Or the vengefull 5 will just be its own villain encounter like the Ennead with seperate decks.
well we have seen a lot of villains that play multiple cards a turn in various ways - Ennead chains, the La capitals ship. so I’m thinking the vengeance villains will be 10-15 card decks that, as you say, get played together. I’m not certain if it will be shuffled as one deck or separate ones… but 5 villain cards a turn would be /brutal/.
I'm bumping this due to new and possibly exciting thoughts.
I was looking for forms of Mainstay, read the thread Great Mainstay detective if you don't know what I;m talking about, and I think I might have found some interesting new connections.
First, I took a look at "The Whole Gang" card from Chrono-Ranger, and saw something interesting. While this might be far-fetched, the older looking gentleman seems to have vines growing out of his arm. I find it very hard to see, but I'm 99% certain that's what I am seeing. Relevance? Night Mist's "Call Forth" depicts a hulking vine monster. I had previously thought this would be an environmental target, but if we do have a villain target with vines that might actually be him or some thing he controls.
Next, as I was looking for Mainstay I grabbed a handful of cards with characters and began sifting through them. Specifically I'm looking at "Lightspeed Barrage" from Tachyon, "Incendiary rounds" and "Shock rounds" from Expatriette, and "Decoy Projection" and "Suggestion" from Visionary. As I flipped through them I saw two side by side and realized something. All of the targets, the silver guy in the background for shock rounds, have glowing red/pink eyes. Could be coincidence, but then I read the text on Incendiary rounds "I've yet to meet anyone that can outsmart a bullet…" possible psychic connection? We haven't seen a psychic villain who controls others yet, and we do have wheelchair girl from "The Whole Gang" and her Prof. X vibe. Or it could be something or someone else. Also, I'm very interested in this beast-man on Suggestion, he seems important somehow
Finally, there are a lot of people pictured on Tachyon's cards who I feel are villains… running wild theories on some of them? I think the one redhead girl might be a ninja from the nonja villain I'm expecting, but I get the feeling a lot of minions are being laid on the table from these cards. Anybody familiar on the vengeance art who we might need to consider as well? I ask 'cause it's getting late over here and I don't have time to look right now
Edit: Idea might fall through with the red eyes, Metalmouth from "Hollow Points" has them, which adds to my idea, but so does the "Whipacorn" who we know belongs to the Dreamer, so this may just be a coloring preference for bad guys.