Giving up on Sentinel Tactics


You mean its status as a 100% fully-contained game that can still be played as-is just fine, and will have an upgrade kit available if someone also cares about buying into its sequel?

First, you are the individual seller not GtG in this case.  Second, you have complained about transparency but want to sell this without being upfront on information you know.  In regards to their store page they should make some reference to Prime War but that’s on them it doesn’t make it any better for you not to mention it to someone you’re selling to.  In either case I would hope the buyer knows what is happening with the game before completing their purchase.  

If I didn't already have Flame of Freedom, I'd still be seriously tempted by the tourney pack.  The minis alone sell for more than that, and they're pretty cool.  If they still have it available when Prime War comes out, and it looks good, I may still get it.

Tell ya what, I'll buy it off ya for $5 + shipping.

Considering how worthless you keep saying it is, that's a pretty valuable return on your estimation.

I'm pretty sure Flame of Freedom was developed by an external company.

I don’t get it either. One self-contained excellent game is worth more than unending expansions in my view.

If you like playing Tactics and you play Tactics, it’s worth having Tactics. If you only bought Tactics for the promise of buying more Tactics stuff in the future…eh, I don’t understand.

the game system and engine were all developed outside of GtG you’re right! 

There are too many bankrupt arguments in this thread. Hurts my head to read honestly. It comes off as complaining for complainings sake and nothing more. Iv done it before in my younger days so I know it when I see it. 

Tactics is a self contained game. You either like the system or don’t. Play it or don’t. Get your refund or don’t. But let’s not pad what should be a very simple opinion with nonsense and butterfluff about suddenly “caring” about what individual built the game engine or that a game without future expansions is dead and worthless. 

Like, honestly, there are numerous legit reasons to not like Tactics or the way it was handled, all of which are pretty well documented here on these very forums . What is the point of stretching the boundaries of both logic and reason in a poor attempt to add more to that list? 

Not sure about godzilla's reasoning, and not trying to say what it is, but I sort of get the idea. If a game was made to be a tournament game, and you like the competitive nature of it, you need the game to be going and kept alive to get a player base, and have those tournaments. Furthermore, new content can help keep things fresh, even if it is just changes the meta up periodically.

I can't speak for Trajector, but Foote encapsuled a lot of what I meant behind my admittedly slightly snarky comment.

I can understand being disappointed at no more expansions for Tactics if Prime War isn't your thing. But to say GTG should pull the game or they're being dishonest… I mean, no? They're selling a game that can still be 100% played as-is with existing materials. The miniatures are cute depictions of Sentinels characters that make nice decorations (literally the reason I own them) and can have use in Prime War and in playing the RPG in addition to their usual Tactics uses. I'm willing to guess that GTG might not reprint the game or minis again if/when their current stock runs out, but they're not being dishonest in continuing to sell what stock they have now.

That's like saying they should stop selling SotM now that OblivAeon is out, or that every other board game in existence that isn't getting expansions or never had any in the first place should be instantly pulled from sale. It's just silly, IMHO.

And when it comes to the tourney play: The official tournament play for Tactics seemed to always be limited to the big gaming cons like GenCon & PAX from what I know of it, so I would think the vast majority of people who bought Tactics were never going to get to play in a tournament anyway, versus just games with their friends or their fellow FLGS customers at most.

Combined with the complaints about Lore Forge being the ones to develop Prime War that others have addressed, I share Foote's annoyance with people who seem to be complaining just for the sake of complaining. Godzilla999666 is particularly egregious on this call, since I honestly cannot think of a single time they've posted anything but complaints in the entire two years I've been in the fandom. Their statement that they were apparently after at least two years of complaints finally getting a refund and moving on, just filled me with a profound feeling of relief.

I was only addressing that one point that multiple people mentioned. Just pointing out that I actually see a side there.

Yeah, Tactics was a neat idea, but it wasn’t really quite finished, and they didn’t really follow through with it. I’m not surprised to see they’ve kinda moved away from it.