Great Game, Now Where's the expansion?


I’m sure you’ve heard it time and again, but I got to say you guys did a great job with this game. I own TONS of products right now, and this is by far one of my favorites. You’ve used an often neglected genre and created rules that are not only simple, but create a quick, thematic, and very enjoyable playing experience. And you did it all with very few typos and almost limited errata. Thats quite the accomplishment. There are some companies far more established then you that put out products with garbled rules, pages of clarifications, and tons of errata. This was a great launch for you guys! Three things that I’d like to suggest…

  1. When possible, make available reprinted versions of any card that has actual errata. It makes for a cleaner game that way.
  2. Get that expansion out! I dont know how hard it is to get a Kickstart set up… but dont put it off too long. I think you have tons of support right now. I, for one, will be sure to throw my money at it when you put the Kickstart up.

They’ve already announced the expansion and posted spoiler art, etc. Cut them some slack.

Also, now they can never make a xxxxx hero - RTF.

Links time!




I do apologize for posting a character idea… even though I was just being silly. Never heard of anything like that on a gaming forum before. FFG forums are full of player ideas, dream cards, and even fully mocked playing pieces. Not sure why your lawyers would have an issue with it and theirs wouldn’t, but I should have read the forum rules first so I take full responsiblity for it.

Also, I really was aware of the expansion leaks you had regarding the rat guy… I even read the brief play test post that was up. I think I let my enthusiasum get the better of me. No worries, its dead now.

I feel like I just got my head bit off for posting a light hearted, happy post… I think I’ll go mosey over to a more friendly forum.

Thanks for the feedback and enthusiasm, Red Legacy! We really appreciate seeing people so excited about Sentinels of the Multiverse - we’re rather excited about it ourselves!

We are currently working on the expansion and are very eager to get that going. The Kickstarter is slated to go up in a couple weeks, so look forward to that. We can’t wait to see what people think!

Oh, and I do apologize for any irritability on the part of any forum goers here. I doubt it was intended to be focused on you, but I am still very sorry. I am certain, though, that you will find the vast majority of the forum to be very friendly and welcoming!

Sorry for your negative experience.

Haha, don’t be scared away, we’re actually a decent bunch. Essentially, we’re a much smaller company than FFG, so we have to be a lot more careful or we could run into problems. We want to keep making games and expansions for them well into the future, and at some point may be open to community ideas, but for now we have to play things safe. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! We do plan on getting the Kickstarter going very soon and it’s our plan to reprint errata’d cards, we’re just looking for the most cost-effective way to do so, and will hopefully get them lumped in with the expansion.

I’ll stress, don’t be scared off. We at Greater Than Games go to great lengths to make ourselves accessible, and this is a great way to communicate with us directly. Unless a reprimand comes from an admin, it in no way reflects the stance of our company, and we’re likely to be pretty nice about it if it happens.

What Adam and Christopher said is totally true, and I apologize if my brevity came off as curtness in any way.

I will say that the expansion is in the playtesting phase right now and, having tried it myself, I think you have a lot to be excited about. The villains really bring something new and different to the table, and one of the environments may be my favorite so far.

<3 Don’t worry guys, I still love you! <3