I’m trying to complete the “Two Man Army” achievement but I’m not for sure how this works with the H mechanic in the expansions. For example, the villain does the hero with the highest hp H minus 2 melee damage. With only having 2 heroes does that mean no damage is given? I know the “two man army” is intended for the base game but I really wanted to try it with Rook City. Thoughts?
Yeah, that’s one of those weird things. The game isn’t really intended for 2 heroes. That’s why “Two Man Army” is kind of a one-off challenge. You’re not wrong, the H mechanic works exactly like that (no damage at H - 2), but that should help to make up for the fact that you have less total HP, less ability to deal damage, and the environment and villain go “more often”.
I recall at one point that Chris mentioned that the H mechanic was specifically intended to mean 3, 4 or 5. I wonder which thread that was in. Possibly the same thread where somebody pointed out that you could just have H equal whatever you want in order to adjust the difficulty to suit your needs.
Laf, that’d be me that made the suggestion. This is the thread you’re thinking of http://greaterthangames.info/forum/index.php/topic,445.0.html
Yeah, that’s the one. Man, whoever made that suggestion was smart.
Well, the Two Man Army was introduced before the H mechanic was introduced. And since the core game was balanced for 4 players, it implied that Two Man Army is meant to be tackled with H = 4.
When I play I’ve kind of house ruled it so that H must equal a minimum of 1. Otherwise two man army does get very easy against RC villains.