Helena and Helena

So...is it just a coincidence that Fanatic and La Capitan have the same last name?

I doubt there are very many coincidences in the SotM world, but I do believe those are first (given) names (or middle name for La Capitan) and not surnames in their case. 

Also possible that's just Christopher's favorite latin-sounding female name. Maybe every latina in the multiverse is named Helena.  We've only met two. :)

Haha. That would be hilarious. 

It is possible, but it seems like too big a coincidence with so few character names. And they look similar...

Helena is a name that comes from the Greek language. The funny thing is that, even though is a quite common name in Spain, we write it "Elena" and not "Helena". We use "Helena" only when talking about the Character from the Iliad. Also: whenever you refer to us Spanish as "latinos" it feels really weird. As if we called the people fro the USA "British", more or less.

Ah, of course, now everything is clear.  Fanatic isn't an angel, she's just from the future, when in-utero genetic modifications allow you to give your child puberty-triggered wings, and also, everyone can shoot lasers for some reason.


Apostate is from that era, too.  He just goes along with the theological theme because he's a timestream-hopping internet troll, who likes to manipulate past theology to win arguments about hologram piracy.  Then he found Fanatic, and thought this was even funnier.



Ah, of course, now everything is clear.  Fanatic isn't an angel, she's just from the future, when in-utero genetic modifications allow you to give your child puberty-triggered wings, and also, everyone can shoot lasers for some reason.


Apostate is from that era, too.  He just goes along with the theological theme because he's a timestream-hopping internet troll, who likes to manipulate past theology to win arguments about hologram piracy.  Then he found Fanatic, and thought this was even funnier.

That.... that actually makese sense.

Unfortunately, that's not right. However, there are elements of it which have corolations to the truth of the matter...

And all of that was highly entertaining to me, so thank you.

my (rockpot) theory is that La Capitan at some point visited Fanactic's father.  While I don't think she's the mother of Fanactic (I just can't see her hanging around for 9 months; though i might be convinced that she had the child and after 9 months dropped Fanactic with the father) I do think of her as "the love that got away" that Fanactic's father always thought about and therefore named the daughter after her.... ;-)


From her bio:

"While she apparently suffered severe nerve damage, which left most of her body entirely numb, she had almost no physical scarring. The only other effect of the accident was total memory loss. She had no idea who she was, and no family ever came to claim her. It was an old nun visiting the hospital who named her Helena."

So, by way of revision, we may infer that the nun was a friend of La Capitan's, who knew that the poor girl's mother was a time-travelling pirate who hadn't even brought her chronoship around for a search when her own daughter fell overboard.  Clearly, re-uniting them would do the daughter no favors, but the nun named her after her mother, and then raised her.  And then, wings or something.

It's the only logical explanation.


Does La Capitan even have friends? I figured she just had victims.

You never know, maybe in her travels she met up and had a brief thing with Apostate or something ;).

So in that case he wouldn't have been lying when he told Fanatic that he'd made her? Man, I love the old "Bad guy says something awful and you yell 'No!' and then bad guy's like 'actually, yes'." Of course, Fanatic wouldn't believe him at all, but still: drama!

It seems to me like La Capitan and her crew would be thick as thieves (pun intended).



Luke. I am your FATHER



Exactly. I resisted the urge, but I'm glad someone else caved.

Nah.  La Capitan is human.  There's plenty of villains who literally don't know the meaning of friendship (Akash'Bhuta, Omnitron), or are too hardcore for that nonsense (Spite, Voss, Iron Legacy [directly from one of his cards!]), but I imagine there are some bosom buddies to the Sentinels villains.  Sure, something about becoming a supervillain probably greatly limits that pool of people, but still.  She's gotta get along well with True Shot.

Plus, you know, she looks kinda...hot...

Plus, La Capitan is uniue among Sentinels villains (released thusfar) in that she's in it for fun.  She doesn't seem to have a driving ambition or sociopathic nature*, she's just sailing through time and space, collecting cool stuff.  She'd be The Doctor if she weren't such a brutal crook - I can totally picture a La Capitan spinoff comic doing as well for itself as Secret Six.


* And, yes, I will argue that Kismet counts as having a "sociopathic nature," despite her seemingly-mundane goals and nature.