Hero Analogs


Haka to me seems a lot more like Duncan McLeod than like the Hulk. He even has Savage Mana and Dominion to represent the Quickening. His Hakas are also representative of a particular kind of martial artist concept, or perhaps a pro wrestler.

One other Wraith fun fact:  First appearence is Mystery Comics 27.  Batman's first appearance is Detective Comics 27.

It only dawned on me this morning, but my ex-avatar Chrono Ranger, who is unquestionably in my top three heroes, is even cooler than I thought he was....because he's Hellboy!  I mean, CR's not a demon prophecied to bring the apocalypse, and Hellboy's not a time-traveler, but everything else fits - each is a gruff loner with an unflinching conscience and a super-weapon in place of one of his arms, who wanders from place to place destroying monsters, ruggedly individualistic and possessed of strange personality quirks, with a heavy reliance on custom firearms and a tool-chest of miscellaneous solutions to unusual problems.  It's so perfect that I can't believe I never thought of it before.

Also fun fact:  there's an Elseworlds Batman storyline called "Detective 27" which features such historical luminaries as Allan Pinkerton, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and Babe Ruth.  It's a fun little romp…

Another revelation: Mr. Fixer is totally Casey Jones from TMNT

Or Nite Owl 1

I thought he was just really old.

I've always seen Fixer to be a little bit like Mr. Miagi.


I was inspired by a coment in another thread:

… and I wanted to hear more people’s analogues!

Here are the ones I tend to use:

Absolute Zero: Mr. Freeze as an antihero - Antifreeze!

Argent Adept: Kyle Rayner using music - ionTUNES!

Bunker: Warmachine!

Chrono-Ranger: Old West-style Cable - Cable Eastwood!

Fanatic: 90s theological antihero but with angelic imagery rather than demonic - The Lightness!

Expatriette: GUUUUNNZZZZ!

Haka: Hulk, surprisingly-sophisticated and an outcast tribal leader - Hulk Panther!

KNYFE: Punch Lantern!

Legacy: Minuteman! (What, none of you played Freedom Force?)

Mr. Fixer: Aged up Power Man - Power Oldman!

The Naturalist: Beasy Boy/Iron Man - Beast Man!

Nightmist: Cthulhu-style Dr. Strange - Dr. Strange Aeon!

Omnitron-X: Brainiac 10!

Parse: Archery hero but reserved rather than cocky - Autistic Arrow!

The Sentinels: Fantastic Four with disparate origins - The Fractured Four!

Setback: Longshot Spider-Man - Spider Shot!

Tachyon: Superscience Speedster - Dr. Impulse!  Or maybe Flash Fantastic.  I am open to change.

Tempest: Aquamartian Manhunter!

Unity: Static and Gear rolled into one - Static Shock!

The Visionary: Time-travelling Raven pastiche - Chrono-Raven!

The Wraith: Batman.

I had to laugh at... well just about all of it.


For me, not knowing much about comic lore, I keeping getting a Wolverine vibe from KNYFE

I laughed at most of that, but I thought the last one was the funniest. Giving outrageous explanations for most then ending with simply Batman


If I have time, I might do a Nightmist fighting game style sprite and post it in fan art. Thanks for the idea. :slight_smile: No promises, but I will see if I can edge it in.



Again, the energy blade just looks too much like Psylocke for me to ignore, you know?

Psylocke vs. K.N.Y.F.E.

I calls 'em like I sees 'em.


And I get y'all's points with Wolverine (ripped melee warrior who doesn't play be the rules) and Psylocke (who, let us not forget, can create an energy blade which is "the focused totality of her telepathic powers"), but I don't think either really holds up.

I would argue that the most iconic aspects of Wolverine as a character are his stern demenor, his amnesia, and his healing - none of that applies to KNYFE, who is (almost) always smiling, driven by the knowledge she's gained in her past, and has strictly offensive powers.

Likewise, Psylocke hits some similar notes, but for all that I don't know her very well, I think of her as a psychic first (and then I think of her strange and meandering backstory, the less said of which the better).  There's not a lot of KNYFE in that.

I was tempted to just call her "any given member of Youngblood, but happy," since I don't think those dudes really had origins, and most of their powers boiled down to "make weapons appear."  But I called her "Punch Lantern," in another thread, and I kinda like saying it.  The Green Lantern of punching things!  So, I am sticking with that, for now.

(Yes, one could argue that Guy Gardner is already the Green Lantern of punching things, but then, Guy Gardner also spent time with poorly-defined powers which amounted to making weapons appear, so maybe you could raise this objection to either of my KNYFE analogues.)

I get more of a Cy-Blade feel. Mostly because I prefer Betsy before the Revanche bodyswap happened.

My biggest connection between Wolverine and KNYFE was the military past thing. I didn't read a lot of comics, so my touchstones for wolverine come from the movies and games where they play up his past expeirence in the military. Plus I always think claws before healing.


I did think of Psylocke as well, but I don't know anything about her beyond "psychic knife" so it's harder to make the analogy

Chick Fury, if you will.


I would agree with cloak being the better fit.  Writhe might LOOK like Rorschach but from a power base stand point they are nothing alike.  So I guess maybe the question is, are you trying to convey type of power or a look/feel.   Usually I'm trying for a power theme. 

It also gets tricky because you get a lot of mix.  For example I like to think Parse is like the Midnighter mixed with Green arrow.  Midnighter's ability to predict the outcome of things but replace his strength and healing with Green Arrow's skill with a bow.

I always think of Madison Jefferies and then no one knows what I'm talking about.